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Showing 68 items

Scientific paper • 2014


No good life in a bad life? – Experiences of degrowth-orientated actors in a growth economy

By: Jasmin Wiefek, Bernd Sommer

Bottom-up initiatives, Organization of businesses, Conditions for degrowth, Productivity beyond growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical Banks – Professional Biography and taking critical distance in ethical Banking and Finance

By: Sarah Lenz

Abstract: The segment of empirical reality chosen for the presentation is dedicated to ethical or sustainable banking. Though rather small still, this segment has been expanding rapidly. Contrary to conventional banking, this segment has constantly been gaining legitimacy since the collapse of global finance. Building on the assumption that institutions do not only depend on the acceptance and ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Teaching literature, teaching change – How dystopias can initiate and support value-based education

By: Christian Hoiß

Abstract: Based on Immanuel Kant’s call for Enlightenment the paper on hand relates his theses to the current behavior of mankind and demands from today’s educational representatives to act against “laziness and cowardice” among students and society as a whole. This goes along with a new focus on values which cannot primarily be built through argumentation and reasoning but according to sociolo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Values and Ethics in an Alternative Degrowth Society

By: Clive Spash

Abstract: The values of modern industrial growth society are instrumental, anthropocentric and hedonistic. These contrast with the values of many others in society and their desires for a better world. For example, the environmental movement promotes non-humans, feminists call for a caring and inclusive economy and Marxists point to the social and community values of a less oppressive world. Wh...

Scientific paper • 2014


Edgar Morin and the art of rebalancing what needs to grow, degrow and be stabilized.

By: François Gillet

complexe thinking, growth, degrowth , stabilization

Scientific paper • 2014


Debt, Disparity, Discipleship and the end of the growth imperative

By: Ray Foss

Abstract: Visions and strategies for transformation into economic sustainability are utterly dependent upon dynamics of the social order’s predominant value system. Shareable values require actionable HOLISM – the idea that both properties and functioning of the social system must be a viewed as wholes that cannot be fully understood in terms of their components. Paradigm shifts and progression...

Scientific paper • 2014


The liberation of human and non-human world and the critique of instrumental rationality: Degrowth and Green Critical Theory

By: Anne Fremaux

Critical theory, degrowth, domination, human and non-human nature, instrumental reason, liberation

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport

By: Alexa Faerber

Abstract: This contribution examines how the infrastrucutre and ticketing of inter-city railway transport leads to entrepreneurial practices of ride-sharing and asks if this twofold practice (it allows saving money and gaining money) also contains the potential of articulating economic visions of degrowth. The background for these new forms of transportation-entrepreneurialism is the ongoing pr...

Scientific paper • 2014


“The World is My Backyard”: Critiquing Mobility From Inside the Tiny House Movement

By: April Anson

Abstract: The phenomenon of the recent tiny house movement offers a unique opportunity for a to expose the growing commodification of environmental sustainability in a market that continues to shelter economic and class privilege. Written from my subjective position as builder, owner and inhabitant of a tiny house, this paper examines the radical possibilities intrinsic to the mobility of the t...

Scientific paper • 2013


In What Way Does Degrowth Reconstruct the Ethical System of Modernity?

By: Yoshihiro Nakano

From the introducion: . . .From this vantage, Serge Latouche’s Sortir de la société de consommation (SSC) (2010) makes a fresh contribution to our understanding the problem of development. In this book, he discusses limitations of productivist development model by illuminating flaws in its ethical system. In this article, I examine the contents of the book in the following manner. In the second...

Scientific paper • 2013


Translating degrowth into contemporary policy challenges: a symbiotic social transformation strategy

By: Mary P. Murphy

degrowth, eco-socialism, employment, care, political alliances, imaginaries

Scientific paper • 2012


Is the degrowth debate relevant to China?

By: Jin Xue, Petter Næss, Finn Arler

Abstract In industrialized countries, the idea of degrowth has emerged as a response to environmental, social, and economic crises. Realizing environmental limits to and failures of more than half a century of continual economic growth in terms of social progress and environmental sustainability, the degrowth paradigm calls for a downscaling of consumption and production for social equity an...

Scientific paper • 2012


Nothing is more

By: n'UNDO

Introduction: To construct from renouncement (n'UNDO) is an attitude, a cultural reaction, extendable to any field of knowledge and life that, from architecture and by means of the implication of diverse disciplines, aims to generate a base of thought and action (No Construction, Minimization, Reuse and Dismantlement) as a way of doing sustainable architecture of the territory and the city. Thi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth in Architecture

By: Remigio Masobello

Premise: The acceptance of ecology, but in particular of profound ecology, is the premise for degrowth in our habits and in new architecture. If we consider ourselves ecologists (and it is hard not to for those with even just a little common sense), we must truly respect our environment, nature as a whole and our planet. Such respect will lead us to the path of degrowth. Of course we know that...

Scientific paper • 2012


Toward the soil as common good

By: Giuseppe Caridi

No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


Deep ecology as a philosophical basis of degrowth

By: Guido Dalla Casa

Abstract: Economic growth was born only in a human culture in a particular moment of its history and is not a "natural push of mankind". It grew up in a culture with a completely anthropocentric background, which considers our species above (out of) Nature and independent from the Ecosystem: it originated from a worldview that sees human activities as possible regardless of their link with the ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Towards a fair degrowth-society: Justice and the right to a ‘good life’ beyond growth

By: Barbara Muraca

Abstract: A critical scrutiny is presented of the ethical assumptions of growth and degrowth theories with respect to distributive justice and the normative conditions for a ‘good human life’. An argument is made in favor of Sen's and Nussbaum's ‘capabilities approach’ as the most suitable theoretical framework for addressing these questions. Since industrialization economic growth has played a...

Scientific paper • 2012


How to rebuild democracy, re-thinking degrowth

By: Onofrio Romano

Abstract: Can the degrowth project contribute to rediscovering the meaning of democracy? Can the establishment of a real democracy lead to building a degrowth society? And last, has the project of a “democratic degrowth” a real chance to succeed, from a political point of view? If not, how should degrowth be re-thought to foster democracy? These are the questions entertained in this opinion ess...

Scientific paper • 2011


The Quest for Pleasure and the Death of Life

By: Joseph Morrill Kirby

Schopenhauer; Kant; Hegel; Ecology; Economics; Philosophy

Presentation • 2010


Growth, Degrowth, and Justice - A scrutiny of ethical and anthropological assumptions in growth and degrowth

By: Barbara Muraca

Presentation of an oral Session by Barbara Muraca at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Growth, Degrowth, and Justice - A scrutiny of ethical and anthropological assumptions in growth and degrowth". Growth, Degrowth, and Justice from Goteo / Platoniq