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Showing 54 items

Scientific paper • 2014


From building resistance to building alternatives – post-extractivist perspectives from below

By: Facundo Martín

Development, Territorial sovereignty, Radical democracy, Reappropriation, Argentina, Brazil

Scientific paper • 2014


Extractivism, neocolonialism and redistribution

By: Esperanza Martinez

Abstract: Our era is characterized by the end of easy-to-extract oil reserves. Unconventional and risky extraction techniques are proliferating. Oil extraction as motor of an economy has always had significant consequences for social and political organization, which are best understood if one looks at the different stages of oil exploitation, from prospection through production, processing and...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sumak Kawsay: Living non-­‐capitalist values in a capitalist world.

By: Lucia Gallardo

Sumak Kawsay, anti-capitalist, Eurocentric, indigenous women, non-capitalist values, emergence and time

Scientific paper • 2014


A dialogue with feminisms: Mining, social movements and horizons of transformation

By: Mar Daza

Abstract: A new cycle of colonial expansion for the massive extraction of common goods is currently restructuring the relationship between humanity and nature, and thus the relationship between market, autonomous societies and State as well as the relations between global North and South and gender relations. This reality issues a complicated challenge to social movements seeking transformation...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commodity frontiers and degrowth

By: Marta Conde, Mariana Walter

Abstract: ‘Commodity frontiers’ are a result of the increasing social metabolism of industrialised economies that is pushing the search for raw materials into new lands. This expansion is creating social and environmental degradation at these frontiers and fostering socio-environmental conflicts. We review the concept of ‘commodity frontiers’ analyzing its roots through Jason Moore’s theory (20...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Ulrich Brand

Abstract: Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective? There are at two continents two thrilling debates taking place. In Europe, the degrowth perspective pushes a dynamic political and scientific debate in Europe which started some years ago in order to develop alternatives to the business-as-usual strategies. Since the beginning of the economic crisis, those strategies c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sumak Kawsay and Degrowth: Towards new struggles against extractive development

By: Diego Andreucci, Lucia Gallardo

Abstract: The crisis of capitalism affects all spheres of social reproduction; it is an integral crisis of the current "civilization paradigm". Contemporary anti-capitalist politics must therefore struggle for a thoroughly distinct society and imaginary. In this paper, we critically evaluate two narratives which in recent years have put forward demands for a radically alternative paradigm, name...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Alberto Acosta

growth, extractivism, economy, nature, sustainability

Scientific paper • 2014


Beyond extractivism: Debates and Practices around Post-Extractivism  in Latin America

By: Alberto Acosta

extractivism, neocolonialism, redistribution, ecological costs

• 2012



By: Tadzio Müller, Michael T. Klare, Marcel Hänggi, Uwe Witt, Christa Wichterich, Ewa Charkiewicz, Lucio Cuenca Berger, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Ercan Ayboga, Olaf Bernau, Ursula Schönberger, Hannah Schuster, Selana Tzschiesche, Michelle Wenderlich, Sokari Ekine, Uli Brand, Jörn Krüger, Dieter Klein, Hardy Feldmann, Dagmar Enkelmann, Luismi Uharte, Bodo Ramelow, Andrea Ypsilanti, Rainer Land, Mario Neukirch, Jan Latza, Alberto Acosta, Peter Schmidt, The Free Association

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 01/2012 Die ausgerufene „Energiewende“ setzt auf Grünen Kapitalismus. Wie die Dampf- und Webmaschinen für den Beginn der industriellen Revolution standen, wie Taylorisierung und Fließband die technische Basis für den Fordismus und die IT-Revolution für die Globalisierung bereitstellte, soll die globale Energiewende die Grundlage für einen ökologischen Umbau der Produ...

• 2012


Der neue Extraktivismus - Eine Debatte über die Grenzen des Rohstoffmodells in Lateinamerika

By: Alberto Acosta, Norma Giarracca, Eduardo Gudynas, Tobias Lambert, Miriam Lang, Tomás Palmisano, Sarela Paz, David Rojas-Kienzle, Maristella Svampa, Mark Weisbrot, Rebecca Ray, Luis Sandoval, Jake Johnston

Lateinamerika ist seit Jahrhunderten Rohstofflieferant für Europas Industrie. Dies hat sich trotz der politischen Umwälzungen des letzten Jahrzehnts nicht grundlegend geändert. Obwohl die Rechte der Natur heute z.B. in der Verfassung Ecuadors verankert sind, besteht die ökonomische Fixierung auf den Export von Rohstoffen weiter, teilweise sogar in verstärktem Ausmaß. Daran regt sich Kritik von ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The risk perception regarding a gold mining project in Romania

By: Cosmina-Maria Berindei

Abstract: This paper aims to present the results of an anthropological research regarding the risk perception in the case of the Roșia Montana gold mining project. The methods that were used are specific in the qualitative research and were aimed at the most controversial project of post-communist Romania. The scope of the project is to exploit the gold in open mining using the cyanide in the t...

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

The Depletion of the Great Mine Earth

By: Alicia Valero, Antonio Valero

Poster by Alicia Valero and Antonio Valero at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The Depletion of the Great Mine Earth".