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Interview • 2014

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Aufbruchtage - Sozialökonomie ... Éric Pineault im Gespräch

By: Schattenblick, Éric Pineault

Interview mit Éric Pineault im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: Éric Pineault ist Professor am Department für Soziologie an der Université du Québec in Montréal. Mit seinem Vortrag über "Eine politische Ökonomie des Degrowth: die Widersprüche des Spätkapitalismus und der Imperativ eines ökologischen Übergangs in einem neoliberalen Kontext" schaffte der Ökonom a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Electronic currencies for purposive degrowth?

By: Claudio Vitari

Electronic currencies, degrowth, money, work system framework, Information and communication technology

• 2014


Geld: Die neuen Spielregeln

By: Christian Felber

www.christian-felber.at: Geld ist ein Mittel zum Zweck. Es sollte uns dienen und uns das Leben erleichtern. Doch davon sind wir weit entfernt: systemrelevante Banken, Staatsschuldenkrise, Währungsspekulationen, Steueroasen – Geld beherrscht unser Leben. Wir sollten uns das nicht gefallen lassen. Ein demokratisches Gemeinwesen sollte die Spielregeln, nach denen Geld in Umlauf kommt und verwendet...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretische Zugänge eines Wachstumszwangs in der Geldwirtschaft

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Wachstumszwang, Goldene Regel der Kapitalakkumulation, Zins-Wachstums-Differential, Zentralbankdilemma, Monetärkeynesianismus

Position paper • 2014


Beyond regulation: Money, banks and finance in a degrowth perspective

By: Fabian Scheidler, Matthias Schmelzer

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Money and Finance.

Position paper • 2014


New tools for new times. Cocreating the world currency of the future

By: Miguel San Miguel

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Money and Finance.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Money and Finance

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Money and Finance at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Consensual proposals: > Complementary currencies should be allowed in a degrowth societies. > Cooperative banks managed by communities will be established in degrowth societies. > If we want to reach a stationary or shrinking economy in a peaceful way, corrections in t...

Position paper • 2014


Basic Income and a Degrowth Project?

By: Vincent Liegey

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Basic income.

Scientific paper • 2014


The present day monetary and financial systems: What´s wrong and what must be changed for a post-growth economy

By: Helge Peukert

Abstract: A basic question will be which elements and factors of the present-day financial and monetary sectors are drivers for economic growth and in how far they must and could be changed in favor of a degrowth economy and which elements of the present system might be preserved. I will present basic facts, structural relationships, institutional details and recent developments and formulate s...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Advantages of a Community Currency – An OCA Perspective

By: Carolin Rauch

Abstract: There is an ongoing debate about the advantages and disadvantages of community currencies in the literature. Proponents of a local currency outline the economic, social and ecological benefits. However, empirical studies find mainly social networking effects and almost no economic influence. It seems that the economic advantage of community currencies does not prevail (at least at fir...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative currencies and de-growth: average value of labour time as basis for enhancement of interest-free credit systems

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: This presentation considers problems and benefits that can follow from linking time currencies to an average social value of labour time. The link to an average social value of labour time (i.e. applying an average hourly wage to a standard time unit) can greatly ex-tend the application of time-based currencies. It can significantly enhance their interest-free long-term credit functio...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Ricardo Orzi

Abstract: The present work tries to recognize the importance of social-complementary currency systems for the sustainability of a social and ecological economy. The official currency and the current monetary systems promote an approach of perpetual growth, the predominance of the relation of competition in opposition to cooperation, and a mechanistic paradigm of society like a sum of individual...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Potential of Complementary Currencies: Boon or Bane for Degrowth?

By: Rolf F.H. Schroeder

complementary currencies; alternative economy; boundaries; monetarism; payment technologies

Scientific paper • 2014


100% Money and Vollgeld, no Solution for a Stationary Economy

By: Benedikt Weihmayr

Abstract: In the post-growth debate a rising number of authors advocate for monetary reforms, which intention is to prevent banks from deposit creation and establishes the central bank as the sole issuer of money. This paper examines the expected macroeconomic consequences and reviews the proclaimed benefits. In the analysis, I consider especially the assertions of authors, who argue that such ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Abstract: If an ongoing growth is considered impossible or undesirable, the growth dependence of man-made structures such as social security systems have to be carefully revised. In the post-growth debate, the monetary system based on credit money combined with positive interest rates is often criticized and accused of causing a growth imperative. The contribution refutes this oversimplified in...

Scientific paper • 2014


Money, debt, and the end of the growth imperative

By: Thomas H. Greco

Abstract: The global, interest-based, debt-money system is the primary driver of unsustainable growth, economic inequity, and environmental destruction. Almost all of the money in existence in the world today is created by banks when they make loans. The accrual of interest on these loans over time, causes the amount of debt to always exceed the means for its payment, so new loans must continua...

Scientific paper • 2014


How does the monetary system work, does it require economic growth, and are there monetary policy options allowing degrowth?

By: Christoph Freydorf

Abstract: Degrowth strategies are not only depending on political decisions, but also on concepts of economic orders which permit the expectation to be stable and prosperous without the necessity of nominal or real (throughput of natural resources) growth rates. One important aspect is the monetary policy, which is widely suspected to play a crucial role for both, the necessity to growth as wel...

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport

By: Alexa Faerber

Abstract: This contribution examines how the infrastrucutre and ticketing of inter-city railway transport leads to entrepreneurial practices of ride-sharing and asks if this twofold practice (it allows saving money and gaining money) also contains the potential of articulating economic visions of degrowth. The background for these new forms of transportation-entrepreneurialism is the ongoing pr...

Scientific paper • 2014


Richard Douthwaite's contribution towards a Material De-Growth Society in Ireland

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Willi Kiefel

Abstract: The contribution will focus on Richard Douthwaite's work in Ireland towards a material degrowth society, especially his work within FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability and his activities in “seed projects “ coming from civic society or grass roots level that were needed as there was no use waiting for governments or policy makers to get to grips with problems: p...