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Showing 105 items

• 2014


Ackergifte? Nein danke! - Für eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft

By: Ute Scheub

Der Verlag: In Deutschland werden jährlich 40 000 Tonnen Pestizide ausgebracht. Die schönfärberische Bezeichnung »Pflanzenschutzmittel« verschleiert, worum es sich tatsächlich handelt: Ackergifte. Aktuelle Untersuchungen belegen, dass diese – entgegen den Behauptungen der Industrie – von Menschen, Tieren und grundwasserführenden Schichten aufgenommen werden. Das geht uns alle an, denn die hocht...

Presentation • 2014


The food challenge. Struggling for just and ecological food systems

By: Reinhild Benning, Christiana Schuler, Lucía Gallardo, Eric Holt-Giménez (via video), Jan Urhahn

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Reinhild Benning, Christiana Schuler, Lucía Gallardo, Eric Holt-Giménez (via video) Facilitation: Jan Urhahn From the conference programme: No matter who we are, we all share the need for food. Looking at the way food is produced, treated and di...

Position paper • 2014


Urban agriculture and urban transformation

By: Antje Manteuffel

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Urban Transformation.

Position paper • 2014


Food for the future

By: Christiane Pohl

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Position paper • 2014


Food and Seed Sovereignty as conditions for degrowing our food system

By: Lanka Horstink

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Position paper • 2014


Thoughts on agricultural transformation

By: Peter Clausing

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots Innovation For Sustainability: The Diffusion of Community Supported Agriculture in Germany

By: Kristin Reiß

Abstract: Over the last few years niches got more and more discussed as initial point for societal change. But approaches like Strategic Niche Management (SNM) are critisised for its focus on technological niches and its idea of a „top-down-management“, whereby radical alterations in fact is more often initiated by non-governmental groups and parts of civil society. This work attaches itself to...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative economic practices in the rural Catalonia

By: Emma Soy Massoni, Joana Conill, Diego Varga, Josep Pintó

Abstract: The present study describes alternative economy practices that are being developed in rural areas by individuals who live on the margins, in whole or in significant part, of the capitalist economic behavior patterns, and live according to rules and values that they have built. The observations were performed in a group of rural farmers living in the region of Alt Empordà (Girona, Cata...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Conservation-Extraction Conundrum: The commodification of nature across vertical boundaries

By: Timothy Norris

private conservation, Peru, extraction, property institutions, de-growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Extension of shelf life of fruits and vegetables from the Kaiserstuhl area through utilization of solar thermal drying and regional marketing of the products

By: Wolfgang Striewe, Friedemar Schreiber, Kurt Schüle, Gudawar Singh, Welf Aumann

Abstract: The presented project sets high standards for the sustainable preservation of food by drying. Fruits and vegetables are purchased from regional and ecological farms and gardens. In addition orchard meadows are harvested and cared for in order to preserve these important habitats. The drying process is driven by solar energy. The process is adapted and synchronized to the availability ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Vertical Urban Garden

By: Alexander Stumm, Henry Anderson

Abstract: In the last years architectural interventions in urban space have shown their potential both on a social and a aesthetic level. The vertical urban garden is a multi-storey garden for the community, a meeting-point in the city, a space for cultural activities and recreation. The construction is based on the possibilities of the scaffolding system, is easy and cost-efficently to assembl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agroecology as alternative(s) to development: A South African Case Study

By: Alistair Tamlit

Abstract: According to Auturo Escobar, development and capitalism have become the most significant ideas to shape social life and these ideas are directly related to the multiple crises our planet faces. Post-development theories offer alternative narratives to the traditional development notions of universal knowledge and progress. Yet, the mainstream development discourse remains and challeng...

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy use in the Spanish Agri-food System (1960-2010). On possible courses for economic degrowth

By: Juan Infante-Amate, Eduardo Aguilera, Manuel González de Molina

Abstract: The main purpose of this work is to quantify energy consumption in the agri-food chain in Spain. The years 1960, 1985 and 2010 are analysed, giving an overview of the important changes that have occurred in the sector. Consumption of different forms of energy is estimated (final, primary, distinguishing between direct and indirect consumption and between renewables and non-renewables)...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical reasons for animal liberation

By: Friederike Schmitz

Abstract: Every year, humans kill 66 billion nonhuman land animals and more than a trillion aquatic individuals for the purpose of consumption. Countless other nonhuman animals are tortured in laboratories or exploited for human clothing, leisure, sports, or work. The immense suffering of animals contrasts with a general neglect of the issue in left and green movements, and theory. In this pape...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growing through the Cracks - A multi-case study of two alternative food networks in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

By: Josefin Smeds

Abstract: As a response to limitations of the conventional food system, alternative food networks such as community supported agriculture and direct selling box schemes have emerged in Romania, involving close producer-consumer connections and an emphasis on local and organic produce. Through a multi-case study of two such networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, their contribution to the establish...

Scientific paper • 2014


Small farms and degrowth

By: Jean Francois Le Clanche, Christian Mouchet

Abstract: small farms could be sustenaible and income allowing to make a farmer live. Some of them are innovative and some farmers present features close to those of the schumpeterian entrepreneur. That is why small farms could be a way for the future of European agriculture. They use more work, less capital: we could think that it is one of the degrowth ways. Keywords: small farms, rural deve...

Scientific paper • 2014


Building alliances in the field of food production and consumption: Urban Gardening and Community Based Agriculture

By: Jenny Lay

systems of provision, food production, Urban Gardening, community based agriculture, reproductivity

Scientific paper • 2014


Phosphorus Governance for Sustainability

By: Felix Ekardt

Abstract: This article broaches the legal treatment of the non-substitutable nutrient phosphorus, which is indispensable for life. We not only address the case of a highly important resource problem that has hitherto received little attention in the political discourse, but also focus on the excessive and wasteful entry of phosphorus in the environment. It is the sum of multiple minor actions o...

Scientific paper • 2014


Richard Douthwaite's contribution towards a Material De-Growth Society in Ireland

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Willi Kiefel

Abstract: The contribution will focus on Richard Douthwaite's work in Ireland towards a material degrowth society, especially his work within FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability and his activities in “seed projects “ coming from civic society or grass roots level that were needed as there was no use waiting for governments or policy makers to get to grips with problems: p...