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Showing 57 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Fair Trade Alternative Trade Organizations as a degrowth-friendly business model

By: Valerio Verrea

Abstract: This paper focuses on the specific features of the Alternative Trade Organizations (ATOs) developed within the Fair Trade system. They are an example of an organizational business model able to create and alternative market where social and ethical aspects are prioritized over profit-seeking. Their example offers important insights about the possibility to create a degrowth-friendly m...

Scientific paper • 2014


No good life in a bad life? – Experiences of degrowth-orientated actors in a growth economy

By: Jasmin Wiefek, Bernd Sommer

Bottom-up initiatives, Organization of businesses, Conditions for degrowth, Productivity beyond growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Successful Non-Growing Companies

By: Jana Gebauer, Andrea Liesen, Christian Dietsche

Abstract: Suggested concepts of post-growth economies have so far shed little light on the functioning of business. With this paper, we aim to translate discussions on post-growth economies to the company level and examine ten Successful Non-Growing Companies (SNCs) with regard to their motivations, key performance indicators and strategies. We find that a common feature among these companies i...

Scientific paper • 2014


Plea for a flexible economy

By: Willem Hoogendyk

Abstract: The money-driven growth has created a compulsion to produce and consume. The rich and emerging countries have become its prisoner. We should calm-down, regionalize and democratize the economy while turning money from master into servant. We need a frugal economy, no longer of supply and push, but geared to a demand within ecological bounds. Production should be flexible. Demand for co...

Scientific paper • 2014


Business, postgrowth – theses and recommendations

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Jana Gebauer

Abstract: Businesses are not only driving contemporary ideas of progressive economic growth. They are also driven by them as they often perceive an economic and societal pressure to permanently grow in size. At the same time, many companies face stagnant or shrinking markets, resource scarcities, crises or far-reaching demographic trends. Academic and political debates on limits to growth and p...

Scientific paper • 2014


Railway transport and social-ecological transformation in Germany

By: Hannes Fauser

Abstract: This short paper summarizes the development of railway services in Germany in the past two decades, which have been marked by commercialization, increased competition and attempts of privatization. I argue that these policies are misled from a social-ecological perspective and have only modestly performed in terms of shifting passengers and cargo towards railway transportation. The th...

Scientific paper • 2013


Wachstumsneutrale Unternehmen - Pilotstudie zur Unternehmensperspektive im Postwachstumsdiskurs

By: Jana Gebauer, Andrea Liesen, Christian Dietsche

Zusammenfassung: In Deutschland wird derzeit verstärkt darüber diskutiert, inwieweit eine „Postwachstumsgesellschaft“ möglich und nötig ist. Die wesentliche Rolle, die Unternehmen in einem entsprechenden Transformationsprozess zukommen könnte und müsste, bleibt in diesem Diskurs jedoch außen vor. Die IÖW-Studie „Wachstumsneutrale Unternehmen“ richtet daher den Blick auf die Unternehmensebene, u...

Scientific paper • 2013


Towards Degrowth: Alternate Logics in Fostering Sustainability

By: Manjula S Salimath, Vallari Chandna

Alternate Logics, Degrowth, Sustainability

Scientific paper • 2013


An alternative proposal for regional European innovation policy: Cooperation of SMEs with knowledge-intensive services in innovation networks

By: Daniel Feser

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Innovation policy in the European Union (EU) comes to a result; its policy goal to become the most innovative region in the world until 2010 failed, primarily concerning the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Thus, the purpose of this paper is to introduce my proposal in terms of an alte...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth: from theory to practice

By: Giorgos Kallis, Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider, Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos

Degrowth; Work; Sufficiency; Social enterprises; Energy

Scientific paper • 2013


Social enterprises and non-market capitals: a path to degrowth?

By: Nadia Johanisova, Tim Crabtree, Eva Franková

Social enterprise; Degrowth; Non-market capitals; Sectoral models; Sustainability

Scientific paper • 2012


Fast versus Slow Management

By: Claudio Vitari, Roxana Bobulescu, Marjolijn Bloemmen

From the paper: What's Slow? Slow Management can be associated with a wider social movement that is now expanding around the philosophy of slow Life model promoted as an alternative to the extension of the fastness in a multitude of industries. There is now of a plurality of patterns that combine slow versus fast: Città-slow, Slow home, Slow school, Slow money, Slow marketing, Slow art, Slow sc...

Scientific paper • 2012


Economic democracy: A path for the future?

By: Nadia Johanisovaa, Stephan Wolf

Abstract: As opposed to political democracy and its attempts at power control in the public sector, the concentration of economic power, and its antidote, the concept of economic democracy, has received much less attention. In the paper, we first offer a definition of economic democracy as a “a system of checks and balances on economic power and support for the right of citizens to actively par...

Report • 2010


Monitor: Besser statt mehr - Wirtschaftswachstum radikal anders

By: Monitor - ARD

"Wachstum, Wachstum über alles - das Glaubensbekenntnis, nicht nur hierzulande. Und wer auch immer zweifelte, wurde als weltfremd abgetan. Das ändert sich langsam nach Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Es wird neu gedacht: Vielleicht sind steigende Wachstumsraten gar nicht so gut, sondern ökologisch und ökonomisch falsch. Vielleicht sollte die Wirtschaft den Menschen dienen, und nicht umgekehrt. Wi...

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results

By: Nick Meynen, Léa Sébastien

Poster by Nick Meynen and Léa Sébastien from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results".

• 2008


Die Armut besiegen

By: Muhammad Yunus

Der Verlag: Muhammad Yunus hat unzählige Menschen aus den Fängen der Armut befreit, ihnen ein Leben in Würde geschenkt. Dafür wurde ihm der Friedensnobelpreis verliehen. Sein neues Buch hat eine ermutigende Botschaft: Wir alle können etwas tun, damit es anderen besser geht, jeder an seinem Platz. Muhammad Yunus stammt aus einem der ärmsten Länder der Erde, aus Bangladesch. Der Wirtschaftspro...

Report • 2003



By: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Bakan

thecorporation.com: Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corpo...