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Showing 78 items

Scientific paper • 2012


La formazione come bene comune

By: Francesco Cappa, Barbara Piccinato

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - paper only available in Italian, presentation slides in English (Title: Education as commons)

Scientific paper • 2012


Beni Comuni: un catalizzatore per i movimenti?

By: Mario Agostinelli

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Grabbing of natural resources and environmental justice: breaking the circle

By: Annalisa Stagni, Mani Tese

Abstract: The consumption pattern in the north requires an intensive exploitation of natural resources in the south of the world, making some countries totally depending from the sale of their natural resources. The global north needs to stop consumption without limits of our environment and people must be aware that these limits exist, due to the finiteness of our world. Our lifestyles have a ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Why the lock-in of financialisation could further delay a low carbon and just transition beyond the growth paradigm

By: Antonio Tricarico, Elena Gerebizza

Introduction: We live in a time of finance capitalism, when trading money, risk and associated products is more profitable and outpaces trading goods and services for capital accumulation. That is in short what people often refer to as “financialisation” of the economy. This has huge implications for where capital is invested and the everyday exposure of people to capital markets, as more and m...

Scientific paper • 2012

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Social Innovations for Economic Degrowth

By: Andreas Exner, Christian Lauk

Introduction: At the beginning of the twenty-first century, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation: although hardly anyone would deny the deep ecological crisis facing humankind, we seem to be caught in a net of assumptions that impede a practical solution. Having acknowledged that we need to reduce consumption of energy and materials drastically,1,2 we still often think that adjustments wit...

Scientific paper • 2012


The City of Commons

By: Delia Del Gaudio

No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Presentation • 2012


Indigenous Lands, commons, juridical pluralism and sustainability in Brazil.

By: Vincenzo Lauriola

Subtitle: The Raposa Serra do Sol case: nature conservation facing opportunities and risks of ethnocentrism No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


Toward the soil as common good

By: Giuseppe Caridi

No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


The European food sovereignty movement engagement

By: Luca Colombo

Abstract: The 2011 Nyeleni Europe Forum set up the conditions for the establishment of a wide European movement for food sovereignty that aims at a thorough redefinition of food and agriculture systems towards more sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. Three pillars were identified as outcomes of the Forum, meant to ‘resist’, ‘build’ and ‘transform’ the current food syste...

Scientific paper • 2012


Re-inventing the future: the relevant thought of Danilo Dolci

By: Marta Garimberti, Letizia Montalbano

From the text: Since 1952, at Partinico, a village in Western Sicily, Danilo Dolci had worked together with the local community and had focused on the issue of the individual accountability. Dolci and his team of collaborators put into practise democratic and non-violent ways of living and fight. Survival standards needed to be reached, but these must be achieved by developing collective partic...

Scientific paper • 2012


Economic democracy: A path for the future?

By: Nadia Johanisovaa, Stephan Wolf

Abstract: As opposed to political democracy and its attempts at power control in the public sector, the concentration of economic power, and its antidote, the concept of economic democracy, has received much less attention. In the paper, we first offer a definition of economic democracy as a “a system of checks and balances on economic power and support for the right of citizens to actively par...

• 2012


The Wealth of the Commons

By: Silke Helfrich, David Bollier (Ed.)

Collection of 73 essays that describe the potential of the commons in conceptualizing and building a better future.

Report • 2011

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Postwachstumsökonomie demokratisch gestalten: Markt, Plan, Solidarische Ökonomie?

By: Werner Rätz, Werner Rätz

Werner Rätz hat seinen Redebeitrag vom Podium “Basisdemokratische Postwachstumsökonomie” auf dem Attac-Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums?" in Berlin 2011 mit einer Einschätzung des Kongresses verbunden und verschriftlicht.

• 2011


Was mehr wird, wenn wir teilen

By: Elinor Ostrom

Untertitel: Vom gesellschaftlichen Wert der Gemeingüter Verlag: "Die Wälder gerodet, die Atmosphäre belastet, die Meere leer gefischt. Güter, die allen gehören, laden zur Verschwendung ein. Sie werden zerstört und gehen der Gesellschaft immer mehr verloren. Mit Appellen an die Moral oder dem Ruf nach einem starken, ordnenden Staat lässt sich die Misere nicht lösen, und auch Privatisierung ist ...

Interview • 2010


Critique to neoliberalism & orthodox economics

By: Nadia Johanisova

Short-interview with Nadia Johanisova from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010

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Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles

By: Dick Urban Vestbro

Presentation and transcription of an oral Session by Dick Urban Vestbro at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona wit the title "Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles" Save by Sharing from Goteo / Platoniq Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles f...

Scientific paper • 1991


Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action

By: Elinor Ostrom

The publisher: The governance of natural resources used by many individuals in common is an issue of increasing concern to policy analysts. Both state control and privatisation of resources have been advocated, but neither the state nor the market have been uniformly successful in solving common pool resource problems. Offering a critique of the foundations of policy analysis as applied to natu...

• 1985


Rivers of empire : water, aridity, and the growth of the American West

By: Donald Worster

The American West, blessed with an abundance of earth and sky but cursed with a scarcity of life's most fundamental need, has long dreamed of harnessing all its rivers to produce unlimited wealth and power. In Rivers of Empire, award-winning historian Donald Worster tells the story of this dream and its outcome. He shows how, beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, Mormons were the first attem...