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Showing 80 items

Scientific paper • 2013


The Politics of “Flexibilisation” and youth unemployment in Portugal

By: Manuel Gonçalves Gil

Keywords: Portugal, Youth Unemployment, Labour, Labour Market Reforms, Labour Market Flexibilisation, Employability, Precarity, Precariat, Polanyi, Commodification

Scientific paper • 2013


Lessons from member state level crisis management

By: Marcell Zoltán Végh

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The global financial crisis of 2008 hit the economy of the European Union extremely hard. The year 2009 brought recession in the majority of the member states, which induced a desperate crisis management procedure. Common, EU-level crisis management measures took place as well but these have b...

Scientific paper • 2013


Der Einfluss von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen auf den deutschen Niedriglohnsektor Untersuchung am Beispiel der Arbeitsförderung

By: Valeska Gerstung

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Teil der Einleitung: Spätestens seit den Hartz-Reformen ist das Thema der Niedriglohnbeschäftigung in den Fokus der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Debatte in Deutschland gerückt. Laut einer aktuellen Studie des IAB ist der deutsche Niedriglohnsektor im europäischen Vergleich mit 24,1% im Jahr 2010 a...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Makroökonomische Dimension von Geldlöhnen: Gefahren und Potenziale auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Wirtschaftsmodell in Europa

By: Silke Mahnkopf-Praprotnik

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Mit der Finanz- und Weltwirtschaftskrise ab 2007 wurden auch viele europäische Länder, vor allem Länder der europäischen Währungsunion, mit in den Abwärtsstrudel gerissen. Die Schwächen eines bis dahin forcierten Wirtschafts- und Wachstumsmodells wurden offensichtlich und gaben Anlass, das bis...

Scientific paper • 2013


From fragmentation towards universalism: Filling the institutional vacuum of dealing with sovereign debt

By: Katarina Sehm Patomäki

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: From the paper: The euro, a result of the political project to consolidate peace in Europe, has now created new divisions between the peoples it was meant to unite. Countries with surpluses in their trade balances rule over the economic policies of those with deficits: and the decision-making ...

Scientific paper • 2013


Europe's new austerity paradigm - how and why did we get here? A critical analysis of the discursive construction of the Eurozone crisis

By: Johannes Petry

Eurozone crisis; austerity; PIIGS; discursive construction; North-­‐South divide; European welfare state; crisis narrative

Scientific paper • 2013


Are the Central East European Countries Pollution Havens?

By: Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Martina Vidovic, Anca M. Voicu

Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Porter hypothesis, European Union, Trade Flows

Scientific paper • 2013


Coordination, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: Re-Analyzing a “hump-shaped“ Relation

By: Frederik Knirsch

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The EU crisis is not overcome yet and the entire system suffers from the persistent macroeconomic imbalances and inequalities. According to the EU growth and convergence strategy “Europe 2020” the EC recommends a set of political reforms concerning national labour markets including adjustments...

Scientific paper • 2013


Determinats of real long-term interest rates in Europe: “Is it a fiscal phenomenon?”

By: Fatih Kaya

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Several studies investigate the relationship between government debt/deficit ratios and the real long-term interest rates, but the empirical evidence is not conclusive enough for consensus building. Evidence for statistically weak or mixed association is as much as the evidence for a strong posi...

Scientific paper • 2013


A simple model of a currency union with endogenous money and saving-investment imbalances

By: Dirk Ehnts

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The economic crisis in the euro zone proves that neither the creators of the euro nor today's policy-makers fully understand the functioning of a currency union. Explanations of the macroeconomic relations inside a currency union are therefore in demand. It is now clear that macroeconomic imbala...

Scientific paper • 2013


An alternative proposal for regional European innovation policy: Cooperation of SMEs with knowledge-intensive services in innovation networks

By: Daniel Feser

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Innovation policy in the European Union (EU) comes to a result; its policy goal to become the most innovative region in the world until 2010 failed, primarily concerning the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Thus, the purpose of this paper is to introduce my proposal in terms of an alte...

Scientific paper • 2013


The failures of European crisis management and its micro and meso level reasons

By: Anita Pelle

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The current European crisis started as the infiltration of the global financial crisis. The real economy was hit badly by the sudden contraction of the financial sector. The European Commission’s recovery plan of 2008, followed by most member states at that time, built on the quick restoration o...

Scientific paper • 2012


Out of financial dictatorship

By: Andrea Baranes

Introduction: Too much welfare? Some European countries, namely the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) have lived beyond their capabilities. Too much welfare and too many social expenditures led to an increasing public debt. It is now time to impose some discipline over these “spendthrift” states, in order to force them to tighten their belts and put order into their public acco...

Report • 2012


The Future of European Democracy

By: Claudio Franzius, Ulrich K. Preuß

The EU debt crisis has clearly shown that the monetary union cannot be upheld without coordinated fiscal and economic policies. But many citizens are under the impression that their voices, and those of their national parliaments, are being sidelined in favour of ever-greater centralisation – and that, in the process, democracy is being eroded. Thus the debt crisis may easily trigger a crisis o...

Scientific paper • 2012

Text Text

Evaluating land consumption and soil functions to inform spatial planning

By: Elisabetta Peccol, Elisabetta Peccol, Alessia Movia, Alessia Movia

Abstract: The European Union, in the European Soil Thematic Strategy (EC. 2006a), recognises the need to improve the integration of measures to prevent soil consumption and degradation, in spatial planning and in those sector policies such as transport, tourism, commerce etc. that have a major influence on land use change. Indeed, there is a growing awareness at many territorial levels (Europe,...

Position paper • 2011


Grenzen der Mobilität

By: Henning Heine

RosaLux 3/2011 zum Thema «Europa dreht ab: Neue Kämpfe um Migration». Mit Beiträgen von Vassilis S. Tsianos, Cornelia Ernst, Eliza Petkova, Sevim Dağdelen, Heinz Bierbaum und anderen. Die komplette Ausgabe kann als PDF auf der Internetseite der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung kostenlos heruntergeladen werden. ISSN 1864-6794

Scientific paper • 2011


Degrowth in South Europe: complementarity in diversity

By: Federico Demaria, Francois Schneider, Andrea Calsamiglia, Laura Blanco, Dalma Domeneghin

Introduction: What is Degrowth? Degrowth is a slogan, a missile word, and a new social and intellectual movement of the North. The intention is to engage into a very contentious process: the one of making a diagnosis and a prognosis of our society. Degrowth attempts to re-politicize the debate about the much needed socio-ecological transformation, trying to affirm an alternative interpretative ...

Scientific paper • 2011


Decreixement Sostenible: complementarietat en la diversitat

By: Federico Demaria, François Schneider

1. Introducció: Què és el decreixement? ecreixement és un lema, una paraula míssil, un nou moviment social i intel·lectual. La seva intenció és participar en un procés molt polèmic: el de fer una diagnosi i una prognosi de la nostra societat. El decreixement vol repolititzar el debat sobre la transformació socioecològica, tan necessària, tot inte...

Presentation • 2010


Characterization of the development of European industry based on disaggregated indicators for different environmental impacts, exemplarily for Germany

By: Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz, Liselotte Schebek

Poster by Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz and Liselotte Schebek from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Characterization of the development of European industry based on disaggregated indicators for different environmental impacts, exemplarily for Germany".

• 2010


Das Grand Hotel Europa vor dem Verfall

By: Michael Müller

Aus dem Text: Der Traum immerwährender Prosperität ist vorbei. Ökologische Selbstzerstörung und eine erodierte Demokratie sind das Desiderat der Hoffnung auf Freiheit und Fortschritt aus der Zeit der Aufklärung. Die Fixierung auf Wachstum treibt Europa immer weiter in eine tiefe Krise. Zeitschrift - politische ökologie 121/122 - 2010 - Nach dem Wachstum