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Showing 63 items

• 2010


Measuring Progress: Indicators for Degrowth

By: Daniel W. O’Neill

A steering paper for the “Indicators for Degrowth” workshop by Daniel W. O’Neill at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Managing Degrowth: Employment, Security and the Economy under a degrowth trajectory". Introduction: The question that this workshop is intended to address is: “Do we need to meas...

Educational paper • 2010

Image Text

Bruttoinlandsglück – Auf der Suche nach qualitativer Entwicklung

By: Sascha Meinert, Michael Stollt

Methode zum BIP und zu alternativen Indikatoren des Team Global der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. LERNINHALTE Basiswissen zu unterschiedlichen Indizes, mit denen Entwicklung gemessen werden kann: o Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) o Happy Planet Index (HPI) o Human Development Index (HDI) o Gini-Index o Genuine Progress Index (GPI) o Big Mac Index (BMI) Austausch und Argumentatio...

Scientific paper • 2008


Proceedings of the First International Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity

By: Fabrice Flipo, Francois Schneider (ed.)

All papers from the 1st international Degrowth Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity are available together in one document. Here you find the content with titles and authors: Historical panel: from growth critique to degrowth - Introduction to Georgescu-Roegen and Degrowth (Jacques Grinevald) - Why environmental sustainability can most probably n...