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Showing 64 items

Scientific paper • 2007


From limits to growth to degrowth within French green politics

By: Baris Gencer Baykan

Abstract: The very ideas of growth and growth economics have been challenged during recent decades by politicians, economists and activists from different political and social perspectives. This challenge has, however, been part of a wider theoretical criticism of modernity and ‘degrowth’ itself was not methodically debated and introduced into the party political arena until April 2006 when a g...

• 2006



By: W. Sachs, M. Gronemeyer, W. Lucht, H. J. Schellnhuber, S. Hofmeister, F. J. Radermacher, E. Altvater, u.v.m.

Nachdenken über ökologische Vordenker Der Verlag: Die Jubiläumsausgabe der politischen ökologie stellt die ökologischen Klassiker auf den Prüfstand. Die Biologin und Journalistin Rachel Carson beschrieb in der "Der stumme Frühling" die verheerenden Auswirkungen von DDT auf Mensch und Umwelt. Zehn Jahre später prognostizierten die Rechenmodelle von Denis und Donella Meadows "Die Grenzen des Wa...

• 2002


More - The Politics of Economic Growth in Postwar America

By: Robert M. Collins

The publisher: Robert Collins' book explores the growth of America in terms of material prosperity. Collins interweaves economic history and cultural analysis onto his examination of postwar growth politics. The book contrasts the reasons for expansion and the way it has occurred in the past fifty years with the negative effects it has produced and the reactions against it. He also looks at the...

• -1


The Rise and Fall of American Growth

By: Robert J. Gordon

Subtitle: The U.S. Standard of Living since the Civil War The publisher: In the century after the Civil War, an economic revolution improved the American standard of living in ways previously unimaginable. Electric lighting, indoor plumbing, home appliances, motor vehicles, air travel, air conditioning, and television transformed households and workplaces. With medical advances, life expectanc...