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Showing 158 items

Scientific paper • 2014


What Kind of Growth, What Kind of Degrowth: The Case of Croatia Reconsidered

By: Vladimir Cvijanovic, Tomislav Tomasevic

Abstract: This contribution is a part of Degrowth in post-socialist European Countries Special Session. It outlines the development path Croatia has pursued (that has not produced desirable results) and will argue that the country should pursue sustainable degrowth. We identify potentials Croatia has in ecological agriculture, utilisation of forests as well as other potentials in renewable ener...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative capital for alternative development: Investigation of possible development transition using capital method

By: Chiung Ting Chang

Abstract: How to move from current unsustainable pattern of development to a sustainable one? Here we make an attempt to propose a possible route of transition in the perspective of capital. That is to focus on the investment of human capital and of social capital. The strategies for transformation will be also based on the shifting the resources to human-centered investment. Although the plan ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Latin America and De-Growth: A Chance to Finally Overcome Underdevelopment

By: Natalia Bracarense

Abstract: Latin America has experimented with two different development strategies: an “outward-oriented” program based on exports of primary commodities and, alternatively, a domestic industrialization from within strategy. A consensus that both models failed to achieve sustainable development in Latin America opened space for rethinking development theory and policy in the beginning of the tw...

Scientific paper • 2014


Potentials for prosperity without growth: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life in 38 countries

By: Max Koch, Martin Fritz

Prosperity, Steady-state economy, Ecological sustainability, Social inclusion, Wellbeing, GDP

• 2013


Peak Oil - Die Herausforderung lokaler Erdölabhängigkeit am Beispiel Münster

By: Matthias Wanner, Jörn Hamacher, Eva Gerlach, Tillmann Buttschardt, Julian Rose, Stefan Simon, Charlotte Niekamp, Laura Hebling, Nikos Saul

Das Erdölzeitalter neigt sich dem Ende zu – daran ändern auch Schieferöle, Agrartreibstoffe oder Verfahren wie das Fracking langfristig nichts. Einer Gruppe von Studierenden an der Uni Münster ging die wissenschaftliche, politische und gesellschaftliche Beschäftigung mit dieser Herausforderung zu langsam. Aus diesem Grund initiierte sie 2012 eigenständig ein interdisziplinäres Peak-Oil-Seminar ...

• 2013


Beyond Development - Alternative Visions from Latin America

By: Miriam Lang, Eduardo Gudynas, Margarita Aguinaga, Dunia Mokrani, Alejandra Santillana, Alberto Acosta, Edgardo Lander, Ulrich Brand, Maristella Svampa, Raúl Prada, Elisa Vega, Eduardo Gudynas

The publisher: Latin America is at the forefront of thinking on how to build a new sustainable economy that rejects consumerism and extractivism. An exciting compilation on new ideas such as Buen Vivir that are reshaping the global debate on how to live in harmony with each other and nature. Contents > Prologue: Crisis of civilisation and challenges for the left - Miriam Lang > Debat...

Scientific paper • 2013


Lose Less Instead of Win More: The Failure of Decoupling and Perspectives for Competition in a Degrowth Economy

By: Volker Mauerhofer

European Union; environmental degradation; financial crisis; steady state economy; sustainable growth

• 2013


Aus den Ruinen des Empires

By: Pankaj Mishra

Untertitel: Die Revolte gegen den Westen und der Wiederaufstieg Asiens Der Verlag: Nachdem die letzten Erben des Mogul-Reiches getötet und der Sommerpalast in Peking zerstört war, schien die asiatische Welt vom Westen besiegt. Erstmals erzählt der Essayist und Schriftsteller Pankaj Mishra, wie in dieser Situation Intellektuelle in Indien, China und Afghanistan eine Fülle an Ideen entwickelte...

• 2013


Churning the Earth

By: Ashish Kothari, Aseem Shrivastava

churningtheearth.in: The world stands so dazzled by India’s meteoric economic rise that we hesitate to acknowledge its consequences to the people and the environment. In Churning the Earth, Aseem Shrivastava and Ashish Kothari engage in a timely enquiry of this impressive growth story. They present incontrovertible evidence on how the nature of this recent growth has been predatory and question...

Scientific paper • 2012


Development was the problem, not the solution 1 Part I: the critique of global environmental politics

By: Matthias Finger, Jacques Grinevald

From the text: There is, on the one hand, ever more economic growth and development as actively promoted by the projects of engineers (modern engineering), big science (physical and biological sciences), including the social sciences and mainstream economics, the competitive Nation-State system and related intergovernmental organizations, as well as by the firms and others big business actors, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The virtuous circle of Degrowth and Ecological Debt: a new paradigm for Public International Law?

By: Noémie Candiago

From the introduction: The seventh G20 was hosted by Mexico in Los Cabos on the 18 th and 19 th June of 2012. After the USA, the UK, France and South Korea, all rated as “developed”, “high-income” countries, it was for the first time a developing country's turn to direct the Leader's Summit. However, the out-coming response put forward as an answer to the global world issues remain unchanged an...

Scientific paper • 2012


Eco-innovation as a Development Tool: Evidence from Latin America and Asia

By: Mario Pansera

Abstract: In the near future the access to basic needs in a world of 7 billion people will be strongly influenced by the 80% of humanity living in the so-called ‘developing world’. Their consumption patterns and their approach to sustainability will undoubtedly reshape the scenario of global economy. The understanding of the evolution of eco-innovation in the South of the world is crucial to ac...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth and buen vivir (living well): a critical comparison

By: Ernest Garcia

Introduction: A dialogue on the concepts of degrowth and living well [“buen vivir”, “vivir bien”] seems necessary and could be very informative. Such a dialogue should explore what both concepts have in common (particularly their critique of development: skepticism regarding its promises and its presumed universalism), as well as the specific and most important characteristics of each (referenc...

Scientific paper • 2012


Gegen Landraub und Vertreibung - Ein Menschenrechtsansatz zur Entwicklung des Landsektors in Kambodscha

By: Natalie Bugalski

Achtzig Prozent der kambodschanischen Bevölkerung leben noch immer auf dem Land, viele von ihnen sind Kleinbauern. Doch in den letzten Jahren hat die Regierung an private Investoren Konzessionen für große Landflächen vergeben. In der Folge wurden viele Bauern von ihren Feldern vertrieben. Inzwischen sind über 2 Millionen Hektar Land an private Investoren übertragen worden – mit Hilfe einer Just...

Position paper • 2012


Den Krisen entkommen - Sozialökologische Transformation

By: Joachim H. Spangenberg, Judith Dellheim, Lutz Brangsch, Frieder Otto Wolf

Sozialökologischer Umbau – nichts ist heute dringlicher ... weil es anders keine nachhaltige Entwicklung und damit keine für alle nachhaltige Entwicklung und das heißt: keine lebenswerte Zukunft geben kann und weil erst mit einem sozialökologischem Umbau erste Schritte gegangen werden können, die es (wieder) ermöglichen, die Lebensbedingungen und Lebenschancen zerstörende kapitalistische Pro...

Educational paper • 2012


Lern- und Arbeitsbuch Entwicklungspolitik

By: Franz Nuscheler

Was ist Unterentwicklung? Ist sie Folge des Kolonialismus oder ungerechter Handelsbedingungen? Ist der Nord-Süd-Konflikt bereits zur Leerformel verkommen? Was heißt überhaupt Entwicklung? Was bedeutet »nachhaltige Entwicklung«? Inwieweit gefährden Umweltkrisen unsere natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen? Was heißt »Feminisierung der Armut« oder »globale Strukturpolitik«? Ist die Globalisierung für die ...

• 2012


Toward Global (Environ)Mental Change - Transformative Art and Cultures of Sustainability

By: Sacha Kagan

The global crisis of unsustainability is not only a crisis of the hardware of civilization, it is also a crisis of the software of minds. The search for a more sustainable development in the ‘developed’ world has, so far, been focusing too much on hardware updates, such as new technologies, economic incentives, policies and regulations, and too little on software revisions, that is cultural tra...

Scientific paper • 2012


Changing Agriculture: Food Sovereignty of the territories in response to the energy crisis and the new world revolution

By: Michelle Arroyo

Part of the introduction: In México, one of the most agriculturally-based countries in the Americas, there is a growing tendency among rural farmers to promote a new type of rurality. This new approach aims to solve their ecological, economic and social problems through actions that encourage a de-growth instead of a sustainable growth in development. In this essay I aim to contribute to an und...

Scientific paper • 2012


The False Charm of Small Hydro-power. Impacts and Risks related to the Proliferation of “Green Energies" on Alpine rivers

By: Eriberto Eulisse

Abstract: In the next years, the building of 2.000 new small hydro-power plants for the production of “green energy” in the Alps is foreseen by ESHA - the European Small Hydropower Association. In many cases their construction can lead to permanent degradation of important aquatic ecosystems. Because of the present day European policies aimed to promote the development of “clean” energies at al...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Agenda 21 – Myth or reality for sustainable development?

By: Ricardo Braun

Key Words: Sustainable development, Agenda 21, institutional build-up capacity, and local sustainability