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Showing 114 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Depopulation and Public Spaces: The Case Study of Lisbon

By: Francisca Machado Lima

Keywords: Demographic Change, Urban Public Spaces, Wildscapes, Tradicional City

Scientific paper • 2012


The Other Road to Serfdom

By: Eric Zencey

Chapter two from "The Other Road to Serfdom and the Path to Sustainable Democracy", University Press of New England

Scientific paper • 2012


De-growth and re-growth: The Story of New England Food

By: John E. Carroll

Abstract: De-­Growth equals Re-­Growth. This is inevitably a fact. There cannot be one without the other. Examples abound, but the one upon which I will focus here is the experience of New England food and farming as a case example of re‐growth following de-­growth, fulfilling the same role, the same societal need, but in a very different.

Scientific paper • 2012

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Evaluating land consumption and soil functions to inform spatial planning

By: Elisabetta Peccol, Elisabetta Peccol, Alessia Movia, Alessia Movia

Abstract: The European Union, in the European Soil Thematic Strategy (EC. 2006a), recognises the need to improve the integration of measures to prevent soil consumption and degradation, in spatial planning and in those sector policies such as transport, tourism, commerce etc. that have a major influence on land use change. Indeed, there is a growing awareness at many territorial levels (Europe,...

• 2011

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Urban Gardening

By: Christa Müller (Hg.)

Über die Rückkehr der Gärten in die Stadt Der Verlag: Der Garten als weltabgewandtes Refugium im Privaten war gestern. In diesem Buch ist die Rede von Gärten, die sich der Welt zuwenden. Sie boomen ausgerechnet dort, wo es laut, selten beschaulich und zuweilen chaotisch zugeht: mitten in der Stadt. Beim Anbau von Tomaten und Karotten suchen die Akteure der neuen Gartenbewegung die Begegnung ...

• 2010


24 Stunden Leipzig. Frei(t)räume - Ein Buch vom Reisen in Übergängen

By: Matthias Ferkau, Anja Görtler, Aleksandra Kulasza, Hanna Schmidt, Nina Schumacher

Der Verlag: Prozesse wir Deindustrialisierung, Bevölkerungsrückgang oder Suburbanisierung haben viele Städte Ostdeutschlands in den letzten 20 Jahren strukturell, sozial und kulturell auf besondere Weise geprägt. Der Diskussion um dieses "Problem" schrumpfender Städte hängen dabei meist Schlagwörter wie Abwanderung, Braindrain oder Verarmung an. 24 Stunden Leipzig ist ein Reisebuch mit kultu...

Presentation • 2010

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Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles

By: Dick Urban Vestbro

Presentation and transcription of an oral Session by Dick Urban Vestbro at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona wit the title "Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles" Save by Sharing from Goteo / Platoniq Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles f...

Presentation • 2010

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Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid

By: Elisabeth Lorenzi

Poster by Elisabeth Lorenzi from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid".

Presentation • 2010

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Urban Metabolism, Climate Change and Poverty - The Case of Mexico City

By: Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos

Poster by Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Urban Metabolism, Climate Change and Poverty - The Case of Mexico City".

Presentation • 2010


Cities, De-Growth and The Big Five

By: Richard Register

Transcription of an oral session by Richard Register at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Cities, De-Growth and The Big Five".

Scientific paper • 2010


Cohousing’s relevance to degrowth theories

By: Matthieu Lietaert

Urban design, Degrowth, Cohousing, Intentional Community, Social Movement, Ecovillage

• 2009


Guerilla Gardening - Ein botanisches Manifest

By: Richard Reynolds

Kohl auf dem Grünstreifen, Wildblumen auf Verkehrsinseln, Moosbilder an Betonmauern: Eine besondere Form des Gartenbaus ist unter dem Namen »Guerilla Gardening« zu einer weltweiten Bewegung angewachsen und gewinnt immer mehr Anhänger, mit ganz unterschiedlicher Motivation und immer einfallsreicheren Methoden. Gärtnern ist cool geworden! Gemeinsam ist den verschiedenen Varianten, dass die Gärtn...

Scientific paper • 2007


Localism and the city: the example of "urban villages"

By: Clément Homs

In view of the urban sprawl and liberal anarchy of urban growth that we face today, how shall we reconquer a social mode of community organization within the great world cities?