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Showing 170 items

Educational paper • 2013

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Gerechter Klimaschutz

By: Martin Eiermann

Aus der Reihe "Themenblätter im Unterricht" (Nr. 96) Mäßig erfolgreiche Klimakonferenzen und Emissionshandel können schnell den Eindruck erwecken, beim Klimawandel handle es sich um ein abstraktes Problem, das nur Politiker etwas angeht. Realität ist jedoch, dass die Folgen der weltweiten Klimaveränderungen schon jetzt für jedermann spürbar sind – und die Zukunftsprognosen düster aussehen. D...

• 2013


Neue Ökonomie der Natur: Eine kritische Einführung

By: Thomas Fatheuer

Ob Klimawandel oder Naturzerstörung – die Lösung dieser Probleme könnte in einer ökonomischen „Wertschätzung“ der Natur und ihrer Dienstleistungen liegen. Doch kann die Natur tatsächlich besser geschützt werden, wenn das, was sie in existentieller Weise für den Menschen leistet, in Euro und Dollar ausgedrückt wird? Die Publikation Neue Ökonomie der Natur von Thomas Fatheuer (2. Auflage) biet...

Educational paper • 2013


Verantwortungsvoller Konsum: Wir können auch anders!

By: Corina Schulz

Unsere derzeitigen Konsum und Produktionsmuster führen zu einer permanenten Übernutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen und einem stetigen Anstieg der Treibhausgasemissionen. Sie sind nicht nur die Hauptursache für globale Umweltprobleme wie Klimawandel, Müllberge und Artensterben, sondern sind auch mit sozialen Problemen verbunden: Vor allem in Ländern mit niedrigen Sozial- und Umweltstandards komm...

• 2013


Land & Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History

By: Martin Empson

The publisher: Martin Empson draws on a Marxist understanding of history to grapple with the contradictory potential of our relationship with our environment. In so doing he shows that human action is key, both to the destruction of nature and to the possibility of a sustainable solution to the ecological crises of the 21st century. ISBN : 9781909026520

• 2013


Churning the Earth

By: Ashish Kothari, Aseem Shrivastava

churningtheearth.in: The world stands so dazzled by India’s meteoric economic rise that we hesitate to acknowledge its consequences to the people and the environment. In Churning the Earth, Aseem Shrivastava and Ashish Kothari engage in a timely enquiry of this impressive growth story. They present incontrovertible evidence on how the nature of this recent growth has been predatory and question...

Scientific paper • 2013


“Friday off”: Reducing Working Hours in Europe

By: Giorgos Kallis, Michael Kalush, Hugh O.'Flynn, Jack Rossiter, Nicholas Ashford

working hours; Europe; 4-day workweek; environmental sustainability; quality of life; productivity; productiveness; unemployment; binary economics

Scientific paper • 2013


Transforming capitalism: the triple crisis

By: Peadar Kirby

development models, climate change, sustainability, Polanyi, climate capitalism, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


Agriculture and human ecology: the value of the territory

By: Carlo Modonesi, Monica Oldani, Celestino Panizza

Introduction: The achievements in life sciences of the last 50 years have widely deepened knowledge and the possibility of intervention on the foundations of living nature. However, such undeniable achievements, by focusing primarily on structural aspects of biological organization, have not shed much light on other characteristics of living creatures, such as historical and ecological ones. Th...

Scientific paper • 2012


Bathing waters in cities - a scenario to combine today’s social wants and ecological needs of tomorrow

By: Helmut Lehn, Melanie Oertel, Katharina Stork

Keywords: Bathing waters, Chile, Germany, sustainable development, water quality, water scarcity

Presentation • 2012


Zurück zur Pferdekutsche? Postwachstumsgesellschaft konkret

By: Angelika Zahrnt

Vortrag von Angelika Zahrnt beim McPlanet-Kongress 2012 in Berlin.

• 2012


global.patrioten - Begegnungen, Positionen und Impulse zu Klimagerechtigkeit, Biologischer und Kultureller Vielfalt

By: Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen (VNB e.V.), Arbeitsstelle Weltbilder e.V., Institut für angewandte Kulturforschung e.V.

Ein Buch, das die großen um.welt-Fragen unserer Zeit aufgreift und zeigt, dass Menschen es sind, die Veränderungen bewirken! Diese Menschen nennen wir global.patrioten, weil sie sich unabhängig von geografischen Grenzen mit großen Ideen, weitreichenden Taten oder kleinen Impulsen für eine bessere Welt einsetzen. In diesem Buch äußern sich Jugendliche, Fachwissenschaftlerinnen und Fachwissenscha...

Scientific paper • 2012


Naturbewusstseinsstudie 2011. Bevölkerungsumfrage zu Natur und biologischer Vielfalt

By: Silke Kleinhückelkotten, H.Peter Neitzke

Die Naturbewusstseinstudie 2011 ist die zweite ihrer Art. Sie stellt eine Fortsetzung der durch BMU und BfN im Jahre 2009 begonnenen Beobachtung und Analyse des gesellschaftlichen Bewusstseins der deutschen Bevölkerung über Natur und biologische Vielfalt dar.Wie Menschen Natur jeweils erfahren und nutzen steht nicht nur in Beziehung zu sozialdemografischen Merkmalen sondern auch zu Werteorienti...

Scientific paper • 2012


Urban, school and collective gardens

By: Valeria Cometti, Luca Miserere

From the text: Decorative greenery or urban gardens? Recently we read in the news about fruit and vegetables from London’s neighbourhood gardens being served at the Olympic athletes’ canteen (http://www.capitalgrowth.org). Social, school and community gardens — these are just a few of the forms, some of them more consolidated, others more innovative, now appearing in towns and cities. So why ar...

Scientific paper • 2012


Common goods and food sovereignty - Double Pyramid and Economic Considerations on Sustainable Diets

By: Sara Francesca Lisot

Keywords: Sustainable diets, environment preservation, health and nutrition, menu cost

Scientific paper • 2012


A methodological approach to environmental impact assessment of reuse practices

By: Serenella Sala, Valentina Castellani, Renato Conca

From the text: An efficient and sustainable use of resources is considered a crucial step towards sustainable lifestyles, implying sustainable production and consumption patterns. In fact, the transition towards sustainable production and consumption is recognized as one of the major challenges for sustainability, entailing waste prevention and reduction. E.g. by 2020, the OECD estimates, we co...

Scientific paper • 2012


Evaluation of good practices impacts at the small to medium scale: the Friuli Venezia Giulia experience

By: Stefania Del Frate

From the text: For the evaluation of environmental impacts due to human activities, lifestyles or plans and programs it is essential the identification of measurable indicators that allow to link the activities we're talking about with the effects we're studying. The best choice of the index depends on the type of the impact we want to analyze. The starting point for the evaluation of t...

Scientific paper • 2012


The False Charm of Small Hydro-power. Impacts and Risks related to the Proliferation of “Green Energies" on Alpine rivers

By: Eriberto Eulisse

Abstract: In the next years, the building of 2.000 new small hydro-power plants for the production of “green energy” in the Alps is foreseen by ESHA - the European Small Hydropower Association. In many cases their construction can lead to permanent degradation of important aquatic ecosystems. Because of the present day European policies aimed to promote the development of “clean” energies at al...

Scientific paper • 2012


Payments for Ecosystem Services: versus or with degrowth?

By: Francesco Marangon, Stefania Troiano

Keywords: Payment for Ecosystem Services, ecosystem services, landscape, degrowth

Interview • 2012


Montreal Degrowth Conference // Mini-Doc

By: Extraenvironmentalist

[ Montreal Degrowth Conference // Mini-Doc ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Voices of Speakers at the Degrowth Conference of the Americas in Montreal in 2012. Including Mary Evelyn Tucker, Joshua Farley, Bill Rees, Peter Victor, Michael M'Gonigle, Juliet Schor, Victoria Grant and David Suzuki.

Scientific paper • 2012


Overpopulation and the Vicious Circle Principle

By: Craig Dilworth

Abstract: In my book "Too Smart for Our Own Good", I present an ecological theory intended to explain human evolution and development, and I apply that theory to all major aspects of our actual evolution and development over the past seven million years. In this paper, I shall summarize the treatment that overpopulation in particular receives in Too Smart.