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Showing 190 items

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Jürgen Manneck

Abstract: Why is global capitalism incapable of providing the millions of unemployed with work? From a social perspective, enormous wealth is simply running through our fingers, since many people are forced into unemployment by the mechanisms of capitalism. In 1995 a conference of 500 top managers, politicians and economists came to the conclusion that at the start of the 21st centruy only one-...

Scientific paper • 2014


Financial Crisis and degrowth. The problems of financing public economies, taking care of the commons, local currencies

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: The current financial crises involve economic growth and its monetary institutions from many points of view, requiring widespread institutional changes. This paper will mainly focus on the structural problems that arise when financing Public Economies and Care Activities (PE&CA) in the tertiary age, of post growth or Actual de-growth. For many reasons PE&CA cannot systematical...

Scientific paper • 2014


Microcapitalism- the end of compulsory growth (revised final version)

By: Walter Oswalt

Abstract: Inequality by Semi-Liberalism . Power-Equality by Radical Liberalism -Any step towards egalitarian power distribution will reduce the pressure for economic growth. Microcapitalism maximizes individual freedom and minimizes concentration of economic power and abolishes the compulsion to economic growth. This proposal for an egalitarian market economy without growth compulsion is one ex...

Scientific paper • 2014


Green Capitalism: The God that failed, by Richard Smith

By: Bruno Kern

Abstract: The article shows, how the oroject of a green capitalism of green technology, green taxes, eco-conscious shopping, profit seeking with environmental goals and the like clerly failed. Maximizing profit and saving the planet are inherently in conflict and cannot be systematically aligned. The possibilities for "dematerializing" production are severely limited. The only way to prevent ov...

Scientific paper • 2014


Let them Eat War: Climate Change, Food Insecurity and Conflict

By: Sören Köpke

Abstract: Climate change is increasingly framed as a security concern. Proponents of the environmental security discourse warn that dwindling water resources, loss of arable land and grazing grounds will cause hunger and conflict. These resource-related conflicts will arise in the most vulnerable parts of the Global South. However, this discourse is blind to the political economy of a growth-ba...

Scientific paper • 2014


Is Profit-Making Compatible with the Principles of a Steady-State Economy?

By: Daniel O'Neill, Gabriel Trettel Silva

Profit; capitalism; steady-state economy; social enterprises

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles for Institutional Design of Future Degrowth Eco-sustainable Societies

By: Richard Westra

Abstract: The “end of growth” still leaves questions for the design of future sustainable societies. The argument of this paper is that economic choices for the new societies are not unlimited and forms of economy cannot simply be conjured up ex nihilo. Anthropologist David Graeber, economic historian Karl Polanyi and political economist Karl Marx each have produced typologies of possible types...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical Banks – Professional Biography and taking critical distance in ethical Banking and Finance

By: Sarah Lenz

Abstract: The segment of empirical reality chosen for the presentation is dedicated to ethical or sustainable banking. Though rather small still, this segment has been expanding rapidly. Contrary to conventional banking, this segment has constantly been gaining legitimacy since the collapse of global finance. Building on the assumption that institutions do not only depend on the acceptance and ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Of the Constitutive Principles of a Post-Capitalist Economy

By: Luis Alvarez, Lysete Hernández

Principles, post-capitalism, alternative, capitalism, crises

Scientific paper • 2014


The threat of (not) being exploited: How inequality promotes growth dispositions

By: Tilman Reitz, Tine Haubner

Abstract: In discussions about the main growth drivers in our societies, two explanations often collide: a cultural account of growth dispositions and an economic account of capitalist growth imperatives. The planned contribution aims at bridging the gap between these accounts. Its central idea is that flexible global capitalism increasingly binds exploitation to the relative weakness and stren...

Scientific paper • 2014


The economics of slow growth

By: Sjak Smulders

Abstract: We document two stylized facts. First, most periods in history have been characterized by per capita GDP growth that was an order of magnitude slower than modern growth in the “old world”. Second, most countries with capitalists institutions have grown steadily and relatively fast. This presents us with a puzzle: does the recent growth slowdown in the capitalist old world mean that th...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Analysis of Libertarian Municipalism

By: Cagri Eryilmaz

Abstract: The aim of this paper to analyze political proposal of social ecology that Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl’s studies are reviewed. Social Ecology, developed by Murray Bookchin provides a coherent and radical critique of environmentalism as a discourse of capitalism. The solution of ecological crisis cannot be granted by environmental actions, projects and campaigns, green production &...

Scientific paper • 2014


Changing Perspectives in Eastern Europe

By: Brian Davey

Abstract: Western Europe and the USA have held themselves up as models to be followed by the countries of Eastern Europe - democratic countries run according to the rule of law, with market based consumer societies, privatised key sectors and focused on economic growth. Joining the European Union and learning how to be like the "successful" western economies has been seen as Central and Eastern...

Scientific paper • 2014


Convivial Conservation: Degrowth and the quest of overcoming Capitalist Conservation

By: Bram Büscher

Abstract: A growing body of literature is exploring the intertwined histories and current dynamics of global capitalism and global conservation. One of the major arguments in this literature is that the development of global conservation is directly related to the development of global capitalism, and thus to capitalism’s sine-qua-non, economic growth. This paper reviews these intertwined histo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growth, Domination and Democracy. Shortcomings of the (De-)Growth Debate

By: Ulrich Brand

degrowth, domination, democracy, Marxism, feminism

Scientific paper • 2014


The Age of Declining Returns

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

Abstract: This paper will examine the hypothesis that - roughly speaking from the mid-1970s- the advanced capitalist societies entered a phase of declininig marginal returns (DMR) (Tainter, 1988). In this perspective indicators concerning agriculture (Fulginiti and Perrin, 1997), energy (Hall, Powers, and Schoenberg, 2008) and mineral extraction (Bardi and Pagani (2007), research and health sys...

Scientific paper • 2014


Is there still no alternative? Self-management under a degrowth perspective: a comparative approach between two case studies in France (Fralib) and Greece (VioMe)

By: Catherine Apostolidi

alternatives, capitalism, citizen initiatives, degrowth, self-management, solidarity economy, transition

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Demonetization: On the Limits of a Non-Capitalist Market Economy

By: Andreas Exner

From the text: “This [what degrowth scholars describe] is a non- capitalist market economy model of degrowth, the viability of which shall be discussed further on in three steps. First, I contrast with reciprocity the historical specificity of exchange, markets, and money in the modern sense. Second, I discuss the logical connection between market, money, and capital. Third, I analyze the contr...

• 2014


SOS: Alternatives Alternatives to Capitalism

By: Richard Swift

An investigation of the alternatives to capitalism, including socialism, anarchism and deep ecology.

• 2013


Und ich? - Identität in einer durchökonomisierten Gesellschaft

By: Paul Verhaeghe

Noch nie, heißt es, ging es uns so gut – doch noch nie haben wir uns so schlecht gefühlt. Die neoliberale Ideologie durchdringt unser Leben inzwischen bis in den letzten Winkel: Sie prägt unsere Selbstwahrnehmung, unsere Beziehung zu unserem Körper, unseren Partnern und Kindern – in anderen Worten, unsere Identität. Offenbar hat die neue Freiheit und Selbstverantwortung eine dunkle Kehrseite. ...