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Showing 29 items

Scientific paper • 2020


Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits

By: Katharina Bohnenberger

While the social consequences of environmental policies are extensively evaluated in sustainability research, few studies exist on the ecological impact of social benefits and the welfare state. Sustainable welfare is a novel research field that seeks to close this knowledge gap and develop integrated eco-social policies. Within this, researchers are starting to ask how citizen’s needs can be g...

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Wages & Collective Bargaining

By: Esther Lynch, Lars Vande Keybus

Chair: Marisa Matias, MEP (GUE/NGL) Panellists: Esther Lynch (ETUC, Confederal Secretary), Lars Vande Keybus (FGTB)

Scientific paper • 2017


Climate change, happiness and income from a degrowth perspective

By: Giorgos Kallis, Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider

Chapter in the "Handbook on Growth and Sustainability" Edited by Peter A. Victor and Brett Dolter About the book: This Handbook assembles original contributions from influential authors such as Herman Daly, Paul Ekins, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Jeroen van den Bergh, William E. Rees and Tim Jackson who have helped to define our understanding of growth and sustainability. The Handbook also pre...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Money and subjective well-being

By: Christopher Boyce, Filka Sekulova, Martin Ftiz

Academic special session, with Filka Sekulova, Christopher Boyce, and Martin Fritz Interest in subjective well-being in public policy has been growing steadily over the last decades arriving at a voluminous and thematically diverse literature. A reoccurring theme for debates is the extent to which short and long-term income growth relates to well-being. Although many studies have shown that in...

Scientific paper • 2016


Learning from degrowth ideas of work and income

By: Tuuli Hirvilammi, Ingo Stamm, Aila - Leena Matthies, Kati Närhi

Work sharing, work time reduction, basic income and job guarantee are often referred ideas in degrowth-literature as alternatives to present models of work and income. Also various grassroots innovations, such as local organic food networks or community currencies are examples in which people are already developing production and consumption structures based on community empowerment and wellbei...

Presentation • 2016


Ronald Blaschke: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen auf einen Blick für Degrowth-Aktive und -Forschende

By: Ronald Blaschke

Einführung in die Idee des Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens bei der Konferenz "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen und Degrowth" am 20. Mai 2016 in der Katholischen Akademie Hamburg.

Report • 2016

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By: Ronald Blaschke

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die Grundeinkommensbewegung geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowoh...

Presentation • 2016


Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen auf einen Blick für Degrowth-AktivistInnen und -ForscherInnen

By: Ronald Blaschke

Manuskript: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen auf einen Blick für Degrowth-AktivistInnen und -ForscherInnen - Vortrag von Ronald Blaschke beim Kongress "Bedingungs­loses Grundeinkommen und Degrowth" in Hamburg, Deutschland (19–20. Mai 2016). Inhalt des Vortrags 1. Die Definition des Mindesteinkommens 2. Die Definition des Grundeinkommens 3. Das Prinzip Grundeinkommen, oder: Wofür ein Grundei...

Scientific paper • 2016


Transitions towards degrowth and sustainable welfare: Carbon emission reduction and wealth and income distribution in France, the US and China

By: Hubert Buch-Hansen, Annika Pissin, Erin Kennedy

Chapter in the Book: Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare Edited by Max Koch, Oksana Mont

• 2014


Glücklich ohne Geld! - Wie ich ohne einen Cent besser und ökologischer lebe

By: Raphael Fellmer

Dieses Buch, das sowohl eine Autobiografie als auch ein Reise- und Alltagsbericht ist, enthält viele wertvolle Informationen: Der ausdrückliche Verzicht auf das Geld soll wichtige und aktuelle Themen wie Lebensmittelverschwendung, virtuelles Wasser und die graue Energie beleuchten und ökologische Methoden wie Veganismus, gemeinsamer Konsum, Postökonomie und viele andere vorstellen, um uns zu ti...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Reproduction and Work

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Reproduction and Work at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for Transformation > Reduction in paid working time. > Dissociation of income from work, and work from identity. > Greater recognition of unpaid work (self reproduction, household reproduction, community reproduction). > Strengthening autonomous colle...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Basic income

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Basic income at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 > Universal Basic Income (UBI) would improve social justice and decrease inequalities which is a precondition for degrowth. > UBI would provide free space for discussing and testing meaningful lifestyles and production, and re-appropriating autonomy and democracy. > UBI woul...

Scientific paper • 2014


Happiness and income decrease: an empirical study from Barcelona

By: Filka Sekulova

Abstract:The present article builds upon the results of an empirical study exploring key factors which determine life satisfaction in Barcelona. We look at the way income reductions, associated with the current economic situation in Spain, affect subjective well-being. We find no evidence for a decrease of happiness associated with income declines that have occurred one or two years ago. Recent...

Scientific paper • 2014


Social welfare programs in Brazil and in France: assistencialism or emancipation factor?

By: Sandrine Cuvillier, Prof. Rogerio Valle

Abstract: Basic Income and its distribution is today a very disputed question. Social programs oriented to the guarantee of a minimum revenue are currently being implemented in different countries, in order to assist the very poor fractions of the population. This paper describes the origin and the evolution of some proposals and analyzes the main concepts and values defended. Successful cases ...

• 2013


Momentum Institute analyses Basic Income / Unconditional Autonomy Allowance: « Living income for free and egalitarian societies »

By: Hugo Carton

Debates about basic income inside the Degrowth movements are growing. The Momentum Institute analyses two proposal from the French Degrowth movement: Basic Income and Unconditional Autonomy Allowance suggested by the "Degrowth project" collective. > In French

• 2013


A Maximum Acceptable Income: beyond the symbolic limits

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anne-Isabelle Veillot

Why Degrowth question the sense of the limits... and also suggest a Maximum Acceptable Income. From the article: Suggesting an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance (UAA – Dotation Inconditonnelle d’Autonomie-) coupled with a Maximum Acceptable Income (MAI – Revenu Maximum Acceptable) is part of the approach, which proposes an economic, social and emancipatory tool to initiate models for sustainabl...

Scientific paper • 2013


Der Einfluss von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen auf den deutschen Niedriglohnsektor Untersuchung am Beispiel der Arbeitsförderung

By: Valeska Gerstung

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Teil der Einleitung: Spätestens seit den Hartz-Reformen ist das Thema der Niedriglohnbeschäftigung in den Fokus der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Debatte in Deutschland gerückt. Laut einer aktuellen Studie des IAB ist der deutsche Niedriglohnsektor im europäischen Vergleich mit 24,1% im Jahr 2010 a...

Scientific paper • 2013


Gender pay gap in the Western Balkan countries: Evidence from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia

By: Marko Vladisavljeviü, Nevena Ivanovic, Sonja Avlijas, Suncicia Vujic

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Using the Labour Force Survey data in the period 2008-2011 and the Blinder-Oaxaca wage decomposition, this paper examines the scope and the characteristics of wage disparities between women and men in Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. Estimation results show that in Serbia and Macedonia emplo...