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Showing 44 items

• 2020

Die partizipative Marktwirtschaft

By: Jens Mayer

Was haben systematische Steuervermeidung durch sämtliche DAX-Konzerne, Josef Ackermanns Geburtstagsfeier im Kanzlerinnenamt oder die Legalität von Hochfrequenzhandel und Schattenbanken mit „sozialer Marktwirtschaft“ noch zu tun? Jens Mayer legt zunächst in der Analyse den Finger in die Wunde der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, die nur noch zum Teil als Realität existiert, danach skizziert er konkrete...

Scientific paper • 2019


Watercooler Democracy: Rumors and Transparency in a Cooperative Workplace

By: Katherine Sobering

Abstract: This article examines how rumors impact democracy and transparency in a cooperative workplace. Although literature on rumors generally analyzes them as negative to workplace culture, the author argues that rumors constitute a critical aspect of democratic participation. Drawing on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in a worker-recuperated business in Argentina, the author shows how mem...

• 2018


This is not an atlas: a global collection of counter-cartographies

By: kollektiv orangotango+

"Maps articulate statements that are shaped by social relations, discourses and practices, but these statements also influence them in turn. Hence, maps (and atlases) are always political. "In this interplay between facts and perception, the cartographer is both witness and actor. [...] In order to create, or, more accurately: to invent, "his worlds", he finally arrives at a subtle mixture of t...

Scientific paper • 2017


South Korean Green Growth and the Jevons Paradox: An Assessment with Democratic and Degrowth Policy Recommendations

By: Ryan Gunderson, Sun-Jin Yun

Keywords: Low-carbon green growth; rebound effect; energy efficiency; eco-efficiency; degrowth; public participation

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Are we there yet? How practitioners, multipliers and the public perceive the status and perspectives of a new economy.

By: Jana Gebauer

The presentation shows what needs to be done in the movement in order to achieve more visibility and, more importantly, feasibility. In the same framework, tools like multipliers and institutions should be embraced to foster cooperation and convergence in projects and approaches for an alternative economy.

Scientific paper • 2016


Consumerism versus happiness. The case of Alternative Food Networks in Barcelona

By: Helen Zaiser

Overcoming consumerism is one objective of the degrowth movement, to be achieved through a great social transformation by building alternatives. It inherently embraces material needs downscaling, self-sufficiency, voluntary simplicity and getting clear of neoliberal capitalist logics. Food cooperatives have the potential to embody such features, constituting a strategy for new social movements....

Presentation • 2015


UBI, a springboard toward sustainable and desirable Degrowth

By: Vincent Liegey

Talk at the "International Basic Income conference - 23 November 2015" in Budapest. Vincent Liegey (Interdisciplinary researcher, Co-author of "A Degrowth Project", Coordinator of the Degrowth Conference, Budapest 2016, Coordinator of Cargonomia) talks about Unconditional Basic Income and Degrowth, respectively about Basic Income in relation to a consumer, materialist society.

• 2015


An opportunity for “Generation Europe XXI” in (re)claiming public spaces in Europe – Degrowth Perspectives

By: Manon Dervin

From the article: . . . In a world of – and in – crisis, being inspired by Degrowth’ ideas, it would supposed to studying the possible perspectives and the role of the Youth in a decolonization of imaginaries (Serge Latouche)[1] which would push us outside our cultural, religious, historic zone of comfort. How to reinforced links rather than to create goods in a world entered the digital era, d...

Report • 2015


People, planet, power: towards a new social settlement

By: New Economics Foundation

NEF Webpage: These are NEF’s proposals for a new social settlement – a framework for deciding how we live together, what we expect from our governments and what we want to achieve for ourselves and others. It builds on the strengths of the post-War settlement inspired by the Beveridge Plan, but moves on – because the world has changed profoundly – to offer a bold new approach to the challenges ...

• 2015


Resist! Against a Precarious Future

By: Ray Filar (ed)

On the book by Rhiannon Colvin: Imagine that it’s 2025 and the world of work has changed. Today, we do labour out of passion, not obligation. Nobody has a low-paid job or has to balance multiple jobs just to make rent. Work gives us meaning and direction, but it does not define who we are. The three day working week means we have time to spend with friends and family, to contribute to our commu...

Interview • 2014


Open Source Vol. 3 | CYLONOMIA - DO IT YORSELF | 09/12/2014

By: Vincent Liegey, Adrien Despoisse, Sara Feher

radiozora: Degrowthist Vincent Liegey is back again for the third time. Today Vince and his guest ADRIEN will speak about Cylonomia, Do it Yourself movement and low tech.

Report • 2014


Häuser erhalten. Räume Eröffnen!

By: Daniel Kunle, Holger Lauinger

Leerstand bedeutet in vielen Köpfen Stillstand und Abriss. Muss das aber wirklich immer so sein? Wie setzt man Signale von Aufbruch in einst verlorenen Häusern?

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Urban Transformation

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Urban Transformation at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > Urban agriculture > Promote multifunctional and divers urban centres, including services, infrastructure, food production etc. > Promote community owned space > participatory urban planning > Stop urban sprawl! Vision &...

Position paper • 2014


FabLabs, 3D-printing and degrowth – Democratisation and deceleration of production or a new consumptive boom producing more waste?

By: Charlotte Knips

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Learning for degrowth

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Learning for degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Contents – What to learn for Degrowth? > Learning should be more focused on skills an competences and less on theoretical knowledge. > Important skills to be strengthened in education are: critical thinking, creativity, self-consciousness, (non-violent) communication, ...

Position paper • 2014


A postgrowth society will have to be democratic or will not be at all

By: Barbara Muraca

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Democracy.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Democracy

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Democracy at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation The necessary shifts will only be democratic but it needs to be an alternative to the representative democratic system we experience today. > More time. > More inclusive. > Enable autonomous societies. > Look for windows of opportunity. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Participation and economic growth in cooperatives: Empirical explorations of a (supposedly) well-known relationship

By: Irma Rybnikova, Ronald Hartz

Abstract: In the present paper we focus on the question to what extent co-operatives can be regarded as participatory forms of organization – as they are often represented – despite the growth-effects. For this, we draw on conceptual as well as empirical material. Whereas the previous research raises serious doubts concerning the role model of cooperatives as participatory firms, the results of...

Scientific paper • 2014


Conflicts over infrastructure and mega-projects in Europe: who, how and why?

By: Alfred Burballa Noria

Abstract: Infrastructure and urban projects in advanced capitalist societies have been contested by opposing movements for years mostly at a local and regional scale. However, the last years have seen the emergence of opposing movements which have become of national or even international concern and now seek to constitute alliances at an international level. By analysing 22 infrastructure and u...