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Showing 15 items

Position paper • 2023

Existing outside the box: How community-centred philosophies can help shape a degrowth society

By: Orson Zuanic

Any conception of a degrowth society requires a fundamental change in our communal definition of existence. For centuries, we have upheld a Cartesian view of reality: an irreducible duality between mind and matter, body and soul, enshrined in Descartes’ famous dictum Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am). This conception of existence has placed humanity among an external, material environm...

Art contribution • 2020


Decolonising Sleep: Or the reparative power of rest as a radical act to restore rhythmic cycles

By: Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

'The Dark Mountain Project' online series 'Becoming Human' explores the physical, psychological and experiential aspects of our current predicament and how we might realign our bodies and minds with the living systems. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli makes a case for the reclamation of sleep in an insomniac culture. Notes from a fractal encyclopædist on the interdependence of sleep and waking, delivered a...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - The post Wiindigo, regenerative economy

By: Winona LaDuke

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Miércoles por Winona Laduke: "The post Wiindigo, regenerative economy"

Scientific paper • 2017


Pope Francis and Degrowth: A Possible Dialogue for a Post-Capitalist Alternative

By: Roberto Puggioni

Keywords: Laudato Si’; Ecology; structural change; Degrowth; Pope Francis; economic crisis

Scientific paper • 2017


Neo-monastics in North Carolina, de-growth and a theology of enough

By: Amy Cox Hall

Key Words: De-growth, neo-monasticism, emerging church, millennial generation, Christianity, sharing economy

• 2015


«Diese Wirtschaft tötet»

By: Michael Brie, Ilsegret Fink, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Christine Müller, Ofelia Ortega Suárez, Park Seong-Won, Nancy Cardoso Pereira, Konrad Raiser, Mathilde Amatsoukey, Marc H. Ellis, Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, Kuno Füssel, Michael Ramminger, Franz Hinkelammert, Jörg Rieger, Beat Dietschy, Martin Robra, Franz Segbers, Simon Wiesgickl

Kirchen gemeinsam gegen Kapitalismus Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: «Land, Arbeit, ein eigenes Heim – seltsam, wenn ich darüber spreche, ist der Papst für manche ein Kommunist.» Dies sagte Jorge Mario Bergoglio, besser bekannt als Papst Franziskus, im Rahmen eines Treffens mit dem linksgerichteten bolivianischen Präsidenten Evo Morales. Ein Jahr zuvor ging der «Papst der Armen» in seiner ersten L...

Presentation • 2015


What is Degrowth? Envisioning a Prosperous Descent

By: Samuel Alexander

Transcript of a keynote by Samuel Alexander presented at the ‘Local Lives, Global Matters’ conference in Castlemaine, Victoria, 16-18 October 2015. Other keynote speakers included Rob Hopkins, David Holmgren, and Helena Norberg-Hodge. Samuel Alexander presents a critical view on today's growth culture and introduces degrowth.

Report • 2015


Wie viele Divisionen hat der Papst?

By: Wolfgang Sachs, Hermann E. Ott

Untertitel: Die Umwelt-Enzyklika und ihre Wirkung auf die Klimapolitik. Kommentar zur Enzyklika "Laudato Si’". Die zentralen Botschaften werden herrausgearbeitet. Außerdem wird eine mögliche Wirkung diskutiert. In: politische ökologie 142, oekom verlag 2015, S. 124–127

Report • 2015


The green Pope: how religion can do economics a favour

By: Andrew Simms

The article connects Pope Francis' Encyclical published in Summer 2015 to ongoing climate change debates, but mainly describes critique of growth and capitalism formulated by the church since medieval times. Also growth critique or practices not following a growth imperative from other religions and philosophies are topic of the article. Published on 18 June 2015, in the Guardian: Sustainabl...

Scientific paper • 2014


A Christian Criticism of the Society of Growth

By: Martin KOPP

Abstract: Does the Christian faith question the society of growth? This short paper argues that it indeed contradicts its productivist social imaginary. First, a renewed theology of creation opposes the anthropocentric view of humankind rightfully ruling and exploiting nature. Second, the evangelical ethics of sobriety and sharing is in conflict with the materialistic view of life. Through thes...

Scientific paper • 2014


Transforming Education in the Degrowth Society

By: Martina Wildau

Integrated education – human values – university as role-model – awareness – spirituality

Scientific paper • 2014


Debt, Disparity, Discipleship and the end of the growth imperative

By: Ray Foss

Abstract: Visions and strategies for transformation into economic sustainability are utterly dependent upon dynamics of the social order’s predominant value system. Shareable values require actionable HOLISM – the idea that both properties and functioning of the social system must be a viewed as wholes that cannot be fully understood in terms of their components. Paradigm shifts and progression...

Scientific paper • 2012


Capitalism, Religion and the Idea of the Demonic

By: Christoph Deutschmann

Abstract: The paper enters the vast debate on capitalism and religion and offers a discrete interpretation of their relationship. On the one hand, it is questioned to consider capitalism as a secularized social system in which religions do no longer play a dominant public role, although its historical rise may have been influenced by religious movements. On the other hand,...

• 2010


Vers la sobriété heureuse

By: Pierre Rabhi

« J’avais alors vingt ans, et la modernité m’est apparue comme une immense imposture. » Pierre Rabhi a en effet vingt ans à la fin des années cinquante, lorsqu’il décide de se soustraire, par un retour à la terre, à la civilisation hors sol qu’ont largement commencé à dessiner sous ses yeux ce que l’on nommera plus tard les Trente Glorieuses. Après avoir dans son enfance assisté en accéléré, ...

Embodying degrowth and turning the movement inside out

By: The EmboDegrowth Lab

The language of a ‘degrowth transition’ is useful for mobilizing people and their collectives around policy objectives, but it retains an image of expert political actors who will ‘transition’ us from one state to another. We offer an alternative theory of change that aims for a ‘degrowth transformation’, or deeper shifts in ideology and daily practices. It will not be enough to solely focus on changing policies and institutions; it is essential to embody the transition and its deeper meanings in a personal way as well.