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Showing 3 items

• 2023

The Degrowth Movement in France: From the Edges to the Centre of the Ecological Debate

By: Tahir Karakaş

Since the 2000s, French politics has been reshaped by emergencies imposed by the ecological crisis, spurred on by a consumer society, problems of developmentalism as ideology and a belief in endless exponential economic growth. Today, the ecological question has become commonplace for both the left and the right (and even for far-right movements). This process of restructuring political life re...

• 2013

Editorial: Degrowth or Regrowth?

By: Mark Whitehead

Despite the obvious connections between degrowth and a range of sister concepts (such as limits to growth and sustainable development), it is important to remember what is unique about the concept. The distinguishing feature of the concept of degrowth is that it brings attention to the nature and effects of growth. In classical economics, growth is associated with the healthy functioning of a f...