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Geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective


Workshop geoengineering

Linda Schneider reflects on Geoengineering Monitor about a workshop on geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective at Degrowth Summer School in Rhineland, Germany: http://www.geoengineeringmonitor.org/2017/09/workshop-geoengineering-from-a-degrowth-and-climate-justice-perspective/ Geoengineering Monitor aims to be a timely source for information and critical perspectives on climate engineering. The goal is to serve as a resource for people around the world who are opposing climate geoengineering and fighting to address the root causes of climate change instead.

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Our Library is now online – have a look and explore!

Screenshot media library 1

After almost a year of tireless work we are proud to present our degrowth library. Here you can find various materials related to the transition to an economy independent from economic growth. The library already contains almost 700 entries, from introductory videos to newspaper articles and scientific publications in different languages. Diverse search options and an extensive list of themes m...


Renewables cannot sustain the globalized growth-economy

Windmills scot

by Almuth Ernsting (Biofuelwatch) Living in Scotland, I should be proud of our government’s energy and climate change commitments. Not of those by the UK government, whose climate credentials consist mainly of slashing support for onshore wind and solar power, handing some €400 million in subsidies to energy companies for keeping old coal power stations open and riding roughshod over mass oppo...


Degrowth America 2100

For our project “Degrowth from a future perspective”, we would like to present how Erik Assadourian, Senior Fellow at the World Watch Institute, envisions a Degrowth America in 2100 and looks back to the transiton towards a truly sustainable United States. Will this have become a place where we can still have personal (electric) vehicles, [...]