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Geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective


Workshop geoengineering

Linda Schneider reflects on Geoengineering Monitor about a workshop on geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective at Degrowth Summer School in Rhineland, Germany: http://www.geoengineeringmonitor.org/2017/09/workshop-geoengineering-from-a-degrowth-and-climate-justice-perspective/ Geoengineering Monitor aims to be a timely source for information and critical perspectives on climate engineering. The goal is to serve as a resource for people around the world who are opposing climate geoengineering and fighting to address the root causes of climate change instead.

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Degrowth around the world - celebrating the 2020 Global Degrowth Day

By: Activist Working Group

Earlier this month, on June 6th, the 2020 Global Degrowth Day (GDD) was celebrated around the world. Around 40 events in more than 18 countries were registered and there were many social media posts using the hashtag #GlobalDegrowthDay, which was also celebrated by the Green European Journal and the European Environmental Bureau. Pictures were shared on our facebook event page. Due to the pa...


Transformative economics on both sides of the Atlantic – the new economy movement and degrowth movement

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By: Nathan Barlow

Two loose movements have emerged on either side of the Atlantic with the aim of transforming the economy. In the U.S.  –the new economy movement and in Europe - the degrowth movement . Both originated as critiques of the current political-economic system, and gained momentum after the financial crisis, since flourishing into nascent social movements composed of practitioners, academics, and act...


Life in a Bauwagen

Leben im Bauwagen [Life in a Bauwagen (construction trailer)] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo. During the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014 the photographer Niko Baumgarten opened his Bauwagen for passers-by. Anyone interested was invited to get some impressions and to look at his picture series "Welcome Home", which deals with alternative ways of housing.