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Geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective


Workshop geoengineering

Linda Schneider reflects on Geoengineering Monitor about a workshop on geoengineering from a degrowth and climate justice perspective at Degrowth Summer School in Rhineland, Germany: http://www.geoengineeringmonitor.org/2017/09/workshop-geoengineering-from-a-degrowth-and-climate-justice-perspective/ Geoengineering Monitor aims to be a timely source for information and critical perspectives on climate engineering. The goal is to serve as a resource for people around the world who are opposing climate geoengineering and fighting to address the root causes of climate change instead.

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Breaking the chains of delusion -Technological progress mythologies and the pitfalls of digitalization

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By: Fabian Scheidler

When it comes to technological development, I often hear the words: What can be done will be done – sooner or later. Many people think that technological development follows a path directed by quasi-natural laws that head into one and only one direction – called “progress” – which is: to use more technology, more complex technology, more expensive technology, more powerful technology. Now, if t...


Call for 6th International Degrowth Conference is open

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2015 – The Year for Climate Justice and Degrowth

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