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Lesenswert: die neue Oya zum Thema Bioökonomie


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Bioökonomie ist ein Thema, das bei vielen Degrowth-Aktivist_innen nur am Rande vorkommt und oft unterschätzt wird. Die aktuelle Oya beschreibt, wie tief die Bioökonomie in alle Lebensbereiche eingreift, warum dies gefährlich ist und wie Widerstand möglich ist. Neugierig? Mehr dazu hier

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Are European politics compatible with post-growth?

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By: Nina Treu, Riccardo Mastini, Joëlle Saey-Volckrick

This and many other questions around European politics were discussed at the first Post-growth conference, which took place at the EU Parliament on September 18 and 19. Hosted by ten Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from five party families, it attracted around 600 people to Brussels. Through panel (and solely panel) discussions, they engaged in debates around economic models, technolo...


Book Release: History of the Future of Economic Growth

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Iris Borowy

Historical roots of current debates on sustainable degrowth The future of economic growth is one of the decisive challenges of the twenty-first century. Though beginning at different times in different places, during the last two centuries, overall global economic growth has profoundly transformed life of humans and of the rest of nature. Today, societies, economies, and cultures are essentia...


Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

By: Brototi Roy

By Brototi Roy In recent years, the debate around universal basic income has gained much popularity and coverage. The many successful models of basic income, both universal and targeted such as Alaska, Iran and Brazil (Bolsa ) along with an active movement in many European countries to adopt pilot experiments, made researchers and social workers in India enthusiastic to try out similar studies...