The climate crisis is a consequence of our economic system. Economic solutions, like carbon trading were supposed to be a problem solver. Despite such efforts, CO2 levels kept rising. Should we consider changing our economic system instead? And which role do environmental NGOs play in the battle for climate justice?
Joanna Cabello, activist and researcher on environmental justice and part of the Carbon Trade Watch collective, speaks about false solutions and grassroots activism. Joanna´s blog article "Where to begin with climate justice" is available here.
The left's strange bedfellows Over a year ago I lived in Barcelona, where I was lucky enough to witness a social movement—in large part fuelled by cooperatives, squats, and other autonomous spaces—win the mayoral elections. I had spent the year being involved with a group that studies and advocates ‘degrowth’—the idea that we must downscale production and consumption to have a more equitable s...
In his welcome address at the opening plenary of the 5th International Degrowth Conference, Federico Demaria from Research and Degrowth made explicitly clear that immigrants, refugees and their struggles must be integral part of the degrowth community: "Refugees and the other oppressed shall always be kept in mind while imagining degrowth and the socio-ecological transformation we are walking. ...
In ihrem neuen Buch “Wachstumswahn – was uns in die Krise führt und wie wir wieder heraus kommen” erklären Christine Ax und Friedrich Hinterberger woher die Wachstumsbegeisterung in der Vergangenheit rührte, widerlegen unterhaltsam und verständlich das Credo, dass es ohne endloses Wachstum nicht geht, und zeigen, warum Wachstum keine zeitgemäße Antwort auf die aktuellen Probleme [...]