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The climate crisis: a struggle for economic power and leadership


The climate crisis is a consequence of our economic system. Economic solutions, like carbon trading were supposed to be a problem solver. Despite such efforts, CO2 levels kept rising. Should we consider changing our economic system instead? And which role do environmental NGOs play in the battle for climate justice?

Joanna Cabello, activist and researcher on environmental justice and part of the Carbon Trade Watch collective, speaks about false solutions and grassroots activism. Joanna´s blog article "Where to begin with climate justice" is available here.

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A Conference for Digitalization and Sustainability? Reflections on Bits & Bäume


By: Nina Treu, Nicolas Guenot, Nick von Andrian

What could an alliance of techies and greens bring for a social, democratic and ecological future? The conference "Bits and Trees" ("Bits & Bäume" in German), which took place in Berlin on November 17th and 18th of this year, tried to shed light on this question. It brought together around 1.700 people interested and organized around digitalization and sustainability. Merely the name of ...


Cooperide - the privilege of time or the performance of change

By: Constanza Hepp

Collaborative creation written down by Constanza Hepp Powered by hardcore conviction, Cooperide is a bloc that will travel from Copenhagen to Paris for COP21, starting November 14. A total of 1400 kilometres in 22 days. And we will do it by bike. Why bike? Simple answer: biking is an autonomous means of transportation free of direct CO2 emissions. It is good for the body and soul, it makes us ...


Die Grenzen des (Post-)Wachstums – ein Reisebericht aus Can Decreix

Auf der Suche nach einer Zukunft jenseits des Wachstums haben wir, zwei Studierende aus Berlin, uns auf Reisen gemacht. Wir werden Orte besuchen, die bereits heute weit weg von Berlin und Brüssel gesellschaftliche Alternativen leben. Zuletzt berichteten wir über die Sozialistische Selbsthilfe Mülheim in Köln. In diesem Beitrag teilen wir unsere Eindrücke aus unserer Zeit [...]