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Vegetable Cooperative "Rote Beete"


Gemüsekooperative Rote Beete [Vegetable Cooperative „Rote Beete“] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

What has agriculture to do with the climate? A lot. Modern, industrialized agriculture is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. This video shows an excursion which took place in the context of the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig last year. Participants visited the vegetable cooperative "Rote Beete" outside Leipzig and got to know how solidarity agriculture works. This production and consumption of local organic vegetables is direct action for the climate.

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By: International Editorial Team of Degrowthinfo

We live in troubling times that require bold ideas and transformative solutions. For many ‘degrowth’ has become the beacon of hope that shines through the darkness, illuminating our path forward. With your help, ‘degrowth.info’ will make this light shine as bright as possible. Please support our efforts via our crowdfunding campaign. Dear friends, amigas, prijateljice, copines, přátelé, Fr...


A Green New Deal beyond growth (II) - Some steps forward

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Everyone talks about Volkswagen, but the real question is hardly ever touched


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