Vor gut einem Jahr fand die Vierte Internationale Degrowth Konferenz für Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig statt. Dazu gibt es ein Jubiläumsvideo des Stückes "Metamorphosen":
Metamorphosen from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.
Zur Eröffnung der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 trat der Klangkünstler Pablo Paolo Kilian mit seinem Stück "Metamorphosen" auf. Visuell begleitet wurde er von Melanie Bleckert. Sie kreierte live die von Matthias Strobl entwickelten analogen Lightmotive - Farbkompositionen, die an die Wand des Audimax der Uni Leipzig projiziert wurden.
Environmental protection is needed because we take useful things out of nature and put useless or harmful things back in. The resulting depletion and pollution have reached harmful, unsustainable levels. We know that voluntary behaviour change, led by an elite that encourages, fosters and politely ‘nudges’ the masses, won’t do it. Legislated solutions are needed on the principle of ‘I will if y...
One argument of those who defend growth is that growth is the natural and inevitable course of the economy. Liberated from governmental or other restrictions, and left to their own powers, entrepreneurs will make an economy grow, as they are endlessly inventive in growing their own incomes. Growth is then seen as the natural product of a free, ‘self-regulated market’. The destiny of the economy...
While agreeing with many points of van den Bergh's excellent review of the growth versus climate debate, I would like to point to a fundamental misrepresentation of the quoted research on degrowth: degrowth is not a strategy "aimed at reducing the size of the GDP". In fact, the degrowth proposition is that the relationship between fossil fuels/carbon emissions and GDP growth is mutual, and th...