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Five Powerful Features of the Commons


On the occasion of the presentation of our project Degrowth in Movement(s) at the Budapest Degrowth Conference, commons activist Silke Helfrich wrote a summary on the event. Read more on the CommonsBlog.

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Introducing degrowth into economics

Book review

By: Matthias Schmelzer

A review of Giorgos Kallis’ new book Although the number of publications about degrowth has been exploding in the last decade – with hundreds of articles as well as dozens of edited volumes and special issues already published – until now there had not been a single academic monograph systematically outlining what degrowth is all about. Of course, the broad contours of the concept of degrowth...


Degrowth Meets Convivialism: Pathways to a Convivial Society

By: Frank Adloff

The concept of convivialism has attracted some attention in recent years. When giving it a closer look – even superficially – it soon reveals its proximity to the degrowth concept and movement. But what exactly constitutes this proximity and where are the differences? Below I will give a short summary of what we can understand by degrowth in practical and theoretical terms. Then I will continue...


The ASA-Programm invites project proposals around degrowth

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ASA is an educational programme that supports  young and dedicated people to expand their skills and to contribute to sustainable global  development based on respect for human rights and cultural differences since more than 50 years Currently, the programm is looking out for suitable projects for the 2015 ASA-cycle with particular focus on the areas of degrowth and/or urban gardening which ha...