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More than a year ago the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig. Now the jubilee video "Metamorphoses" is available with english subtitles:

Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

At the opening of the Degrowth Conference 2014 the sound-artist Pablo Paolo Kilian preformed his piece of music "Metamorphoses“. He was accompanied by Melanie Bleckert, who created the analogous ligh-motive colour-compositions developed by Matthias Strobl, which were projected on the wall of the Audimax at the University of Leipzig.

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UN climate talks: 'in moral terms… it’s evil!'

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By: Nick Breeze

The negotiators at this year's COP25 in Madrid achieved nothing, despite warnings from many voices about the acceleration of the climate crisis. The UN climate negotiations in Madrid, COP25, have amounted to precious little. The extended talks have provided the opportunity for petrol states and developed countries to excise the red lines of developing countries from the text of the...


Prioritising well-being on a finite planet: A research manifesto

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Artivism: Injecting Imagination into Degrowth

By: John Jordan

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