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More than a year ago the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig. Now the jubilee video "Metamorphoses" is available with english subtitles:

Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

At the opening of the Degrowth Conference 2014 the sound-artist Pablo Paolo Kilian preformed his piece of music "Metamorphoses“. He was accompanied by Melanie Bleckert, who created the analogous ligh-motive colour-compositions developed by Matthias Strobl, which were projected on the wall of the Audimax at the University of Leipzig.

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Capitalism and (De)Growth

Cane cutters

By: Susan Paulson

What is capitalism? A kind of state? An institution? Some values? A power structure? Ideology? A Culture? What governs capitalism? Supply and demand Invisible hand Enclosure of land The drive to expand Market mechanism Class schism Racism The moral virtue of productivism. Innovation! Invest! Impress! Progress! Entrepreneurial quest for Technological success in Pursuit ...


How to Integrate Degrowth into All Aspects of Life: Some Thoughts on the Budapest Conference

Corinna budapest

By: Corinna Burkhart

The picture above shows some of the statues decorating the northern entrance of the Corvinus University in Budapest where the recent Degrowth Conference took place. The building has not always been a university. It once was a place of trade, and the statues over the entrance depict virtues which, back then, were considered central to trade. Virtues like courage, faith, love and honesty. When di...


A hitch for degrowth

Christopher boyce

By Christopher Boyce I write this sitting in a service station on the M11 in the UK travelling back from Leipzig after what was an inspiring conference on degrowth. I’ve been hitching for only a couple of years now, but as soon as my talk on money and happiness was accepted for the conference in Leipzig, [...]