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What is clean energy and for whom?


Camila Moreno, expert on "green" energy in Brazil, gives some demonstrative examples of so called green and clean energy projects and their impact in the Global South. Her input is part of the panel A worldwide energy revolution? which took place at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in September 2014.

Would you like to continue on the topic? Discussions and actions for Climate Justice and Degrowth are continued at the Degrowth Summerschool 2015, for example with the panel discussion "Green growth" vs. "Leave it in the soil!" - the issue of natural resources.

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Die Stimme der Vernunft im Digitalisierungs-Hype

Abb 16

By: Christiane Kliemann

Buchrezension "Smarte Grüne Welt?" Technologien sind schöne Projektionsflächen. Wie die gute (oder böse) Fee im Märchen verkörpern sie häufig, je nach Sichtweise, entweder die Hoffnung auf eine fast magische Lösung unserer Probleme, oder die Bestätigung unserer Ängste. Eine vorurteilsfreie umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Chancen und Risiken neuer Technologien f...


De-[Constructing] Growth: Decoupling Profits from Unsustainable Production*

By: Nicholas A Ashford

Degrowth has been described as a “movement” rather than an ideology1, and as such it presents several variations. For some of its proponents, degrowth is a proxy for sustainable consumption, and to a lesser extent production2. A second group of degrowth advocates are those for whom an emerging discussion of “sufficiency” as a societal norm is taking shape, as a result of activism3. Finally, a t...


The climate crisis: a struggle for economic power and leadership

The climate crisis is a consequence of our economic system. Economic solutions, like carbon trading were supposed to be a problem solver. Despite such efforts, CO2 levels kept rising. Should we consider changing our economic system instead? And which role do environmental NGOs play in the battle for climate justice? Joanna Cabello, activist and researcher on environmental justice and part of...