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Call for 6th International Degrowth Conference is open


Degrowth conference 2014 photo by eva mahnke cc by sa 04 gr%c3%bcne abrissbirne

The 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will take place in Malmö 21-25 August 2018, with Dialogues in turbulent times as its overarching theme. More information about the conference is available at malmo.degrowth.org.
In the spirit of the previous conferences, the organizing committee is inviting three types of contributions:
- academic
Deadline for special and participatory sessions: 31 December 2017
Deadline for individual submissions and poster presentations: 28 February 2018
Submission system will open 1 December 2017
- artistic
Submission period: 1 October - 31 December 2017 (submit as soon as you can)
- activist
Submission period: 1 October - 31 December 2017 (submit as soon as you can) 
The calls for each are available at https://malmo.degrowth.org/calls-for-participation/

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Degrowth Money

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By: Julio Linares, Gabriela Cabaña

The following text is an excerpt from “Towards an Ecology of Care: Basic Income Beyond the Nation-state (unpublished). Even though the degrowth movement has shown the limits of our civillization’s obsession with growth, and has promoted and proposed complementary currencies, the degrowth critique has yet to consider the role that money/credit creation plays more explicitly. Ecological ec...


Creating Spaces to Practice a New Reality

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