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Business Interest in the Environmental Crisis

By: Kanchi Kohli

By Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon Is the world going through an environmental crisis? If yes, who has caused it and where does the onus to remedy it lie? If one is to go by the policy debates and outcomes worldwide, the existence of a crisis seems established, the attribution contested, and the road map for remedies under perpetual review. Each year several international conventions revisit thei...


Rethinking Degrowth: Islamic Perspectives

By: Odeh Al Jayyousi

With the "Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change" published by the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium earlier this month, another world religion has expressed heavy concerns about the pursuit of relentless economic growth. Professor Odeh Al Jayyousi, one of the members of the Symposium, had attended our summer school on degrowth and climate justice right before the symposium a...


Ja, aber…Von Klimaschutz, Stimmen des Globalen Südens und Repräsentation


Die Debatte um Flüge für Referent*innen der Degrowth-Sommerschule Von Janna Aljets Auf dem zweiten Planungstreffen im Februar nahm sich der Organisationskreis der Sommerschule die Zeit, um die Frage zu diskutieren, ob Referent*innen aus dem Globalen Süden eingeladen und damit auch Langstreckenflüge finanziert werden sollten. Wie können wir ohne Menschen aus dem Globalen Süden „authentisch“ üb...