Täglich berichten die Medien über neue Vorwürfe gegen VW. Seit sich die Krise um manipulierte Software zur Abgasmessung ausweitet, geht auch die Angst um, dass sie den Konzern, die deutsche Autoindustrie und somit die gesamte deutsche Wirtschaft in den Abgrund zieht. Das ist kein Wunder angesichts der weit verbreiteten Annahme – auch durch Angela Merkel – dass ungefähr jeder siebte Job in Deutschland direkt oder indirekt von der Autoindustrie abhängt.
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We all use models in daily life to explain our environment. An example: I assume that a tree will grow provided it has sufficient water, nutrients and sun. I am using a simple model here, without understanding the nitty-gritty – what exactly happens in the roots, stem, leaves and cells. Thinking in models is not only useful to understand our world, but also to solve problems. Let’s assume the ...
By Ashish Kothari, Federico Demaria and Alberto Acosta André Reichel’s very thoughtful piece ‘Retaking sustainable development for degrowth’ raises several very important issues. We start by acknowledging that we and Reichel are clearly on the same page in criticizing current models of ‘growth’ including in its ‘green’ and ‘eco-modernist’ forms. We concur also on the need for the world to move...
Camila Moreno, expert on "green" energy in Brazil, gives some demonstrative examples of so called green and clean energy projects and their impact in the Global South. Her input is part of the panel A worldwide energy revolution? which took place at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in September 2014. Would you like to continue on the topic? Discussions and actions for Climate Justice and D...