Ever wanted to listen to the book "Vocabulary of Degrowth" because you prefer having an audio book over a physical one? Well, we hear you and share your feeling. That's why we started the "Vocabulary of Degrowth Audiobook Podcast". Currently we are recording individual chapters of the book and publish them as a podcast. This way we eventually get to record the entire book. The English version of the book is already 99% complete. Join us to add the other the languages such as German!
To get a taste of it, have a look at the website or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes if you just want to listen to it. If you're seriously interested in joining, send an email to Robert Orzanna.
“When you told your friends and family you were going to a degrowth gathering, they asked, ‘What is degrowth?’ How did you respond?” The 2018 degrowUS gathering from September 28-30 2018 in Chicago began with this question. The first day’s thirty-odd attendees wrote their responses on sticky notes as they scraped the last bites of lunch off the dishes the event’s organizers had told them to ...
Unter dem Motto „Besser – Anders – Weniger“ beleuchtet das aktuelle Böll.Thema den weltweiten Trend zur Suche nach alternativen Wirtschaftskonzepten, denn schneller als die Wirtschaft wächst in vielen Teilen der Welt „das Unbehagen an einer Vorherrschaft der Wirtschaft, die alle Lebensbereiche dominiert“. Das Heft zeigt und verknüpft einige der vielfältigen konkreten Alternativen, die zunehmend [...]
In ihrem neuen Buch “Wachstumswahn – was uns in die Krise führt und wie wir wieder heraus kommen” erklären Christine Ax und Friedrich Hinterberger woher die Wachstumsbegeisterung in der Vergangenheit rührte, widerlegen unterhaltsam und verständlich das Credo, dass es ohne endloses Wachstum nicht geht, und zeigen, warum Wachstum keine zeitgemäße Antwort auf die aktuellen Probleme [...]