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Listen to the Degrowth Vocabulary as Audio-Book!


...and join us to add other languages!

Ever wanted to listen to the book "Vocabulary of Degrowth" because you prefer having an audio book over a physical one? Well, we hear you and share your feeling. That's why we started the "Vocabulary of Degrowth Audiobook Podcast". Currently we are recording individual chapters of the book and publish them as a podcast. This way we eventually get to record the entire book. The English version of the book is already 99% complete. Join us to add the other the languages such as German!

To get a taste of it, have a look at the website or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes if you just want to listen to it. If you're seriously interested in joining, send an email to Robert Orzanna.

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Degrowth in the US: Thinking smaller where everything is big

By: Sam Bliss

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