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Metamorfosis - Exploring Queer Ecology and Degrowth


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Both the planet and queer individuals face oppression from the same harmful forces of heteropatriarchy. By fostering an alliance between these two movements, we aim to unite and empower our collective efforts in defeating toxic binaries, boundaries, and norms that oppress not only queer individuals but all living beings on this planet. Metamorfosis is a space of inclusivity, acceptance, and activism to delve into the intersections of queer and environmental issues.

Come join us at Can Masdeu a space for community cooperation rooted in the natural park of Collserola, where we shape habitable futures! 

More information here.

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Maximum limits on income and wealth? A degrowth perspective

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By: Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch

Against the background of a looming ecological collapse and extreme socio-economic inequality, growth-critical scholars and activists debate various eco-social policies that can facilitate transitions towards genuinely environmentally sustainable and socially equitable societies. Such policies include work sharing, time-banks, job guarantees, complementary currencies and minimum income schemes....


Degrowth Conference 2016 - Call for special sessions

The next International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will start on the 30th of August 2016 in Budapest. To take actively part in the conference one can now follow the call for special sessions or one of the the other calls yet to come. There are two special session formats one for “academic special sessions” and one for “degrowth-in-action special sessio...


More than 600 contributions from all over the world!

On 14 March the last submission period closed for contributions to the conference. After a first quick review it was already clear that all expectations were far exceeded: more than 350 scientific papers were received from a broad range of disciplines such as economics, psychology, geography and urban planning. Further 260 proposals for practice-based activities were submitted by various civil-...