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Metamorfosis - Exploring Queer Ecology and Degrowth


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Both the planet and queer individuals face oppression from the same harmful forces of heteropatriarchy. By fostering an alliance between these two movements, we aim to unite and empower our collective efforts in defeating toxic binaries, boundaries, and norms that oppress not only queer individuals but all living beings on this planet. Metamorfosis is a space of inclusivity, acceptance, and activism to delve into the intersections of queer and environmental issues.

Come join us at Can Masdeu a space for community cooperation rooted in the natural park of Collserola, where we shape habitable futures! 

More information here.

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Degrowth Money

Whatsapp image 2020 05 12 at 16.41.53

By: Julio Linares, Gabriela Cabaña

The following text is an excerpt from “Towards an Ecology of Care: Basic Income Beyond the Nation-state (unpublished). Even though the degrowth movement has shown the limits of our civillization’s obsession with growth, and has promoted and proposed complementary currencies, the degrowth critique has yet to consider the role that money/credit creation plays more explicitly. Ecological ec...


Planning for Post-Corona: A Manifesto for the Netherlands

By: The degrowth.info international editorial team

Last month a group of academics working in the fields of development and environmental sciences in the Netherlands wrote a manifesto for post-corona recovery based on degrowth principles. This initiative gained widespread attention, pushing the degrowth agenda into (Dutch) mainstream consciousness and the traditional corridors of power. The initiative was born in conversations that various a...


Tweeting with ‘the enemy’


By Giorgos Kallis Well, that was an interesting week! After publishing two rebuttals of the eco-modernist manifesto, I got swirled into twitterlandia, and exchanges with an amazing cadre of characters. First came the leaders of the Breakthrough Institute, with whom I had civilized conversations about the GDP of Japan and whether it is growing or not; the energy return on investment (EROI) of ...