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Our crowdfunding-campaign has started - Please participate and share!


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In order to make our conference a truly democratic and inclusive event, we have started an exciting crowdfunding-campaign. It will run for 55 days and ends shortly before the conference.

Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to participate in the conference and to contribute to a change towards a society beyond the imperative of economic growth. In order to achieve this, however, we have to offer quality child care at the conference, video-streaming of the main events on our website and solidary funding of travel expenses. For these three purposes we will need 15.000 Euros to be raised through the crowdfunding campaign. 

As a thank you for the support there will be interesting presents such as hand-signed books written by members of our advisory board, canvas bags with degrowth-logo and an invitation to a degrowth-lunch in Leipzig.

Please support us, not necessarily with financial contributions, but also through sharing this crowdfunding campaign via your own networks. We hope that you will enjoy our little film. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us at crowdfunding@degrowth.de

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