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Blog • 29.06.2015

Laudato Si' as signalling towards Degrowth

By Oscar Krüger By now, there are likely few who have not heard of Pope Francis's recent encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si'”. And as many of the readers of this blog might already know, the Spanish and Italian versions contain what appears to be a direct endorsement of degrowth: the use of the term „decrecimiento“ (sp) and „decrescita“ (it), even if this is watered down to „decreased ...

Blog • 22.06.2015

Where to begin with Climate Justice?

By: Joanna Cabello

By Joanna Cabello Climate justice is a relatively new term. Being a key concept in the Degrowth in Action – Climate Justice Summer School 2015, it is important here to expand upon the different understandings of, and some of the debates surrounding, the term ‘climate justice’ – though of course no single understanding is right or wrong, and no group can lay claim to a particular concept. Alt...

Blog • 12.06.2015

Growth and Destruction

By: Nnimmo Bassey

By Nnimmo Bassey The industrial mode of food production is known to greatly contribute to global warming through such means as the large-scale land use changes, deforestation and the use of chemical fertilisers. Industrial agriculture promotes monoculture, erodes biodiversity and treats agricultural produce as mere commodities and for speculation. it continues to be single-mindedly supported b...

Blog • 04.06.2015

Who says what is absurd? - Experiences of Defamiliarization

By Corinna Burkhart Humans get used to quite a lot of things and live their daily life through a set of what we can call habits. Everyday experiences are not much worth a thought as long as everything is like it always is. This can be driving by car to town, only to get stuck in the usual traffic jam, or something very simple like flushing the toilet or using knife and fork to eat a grilled pi...

Blog • 15.06.2015

Zur Notwendigkeit einer wachstumskritischen Klimaprotestbewegung


By: Kai Kuhnhenn, Eva Mahnke

Von Kai Kuhnhenn und Eva Mahnke Teile von Politik und Wirtschaft loben Deutschland gern als „Klimaschutzvorreiter“, zuletzt etwa die vier CDU/CSU-Politiker Michael Fuchs, Georg Nüßlein, Joachim Pfeiffer und Thomas Bareiß in einem Brief an ihre Fraktion. „Deutschland gehört global zu den Vorreitern bei der Erneuerbaren- und Klimapolitik“, heißt es darin. Wer anderes behaupte, versuche die weitr...

Blog • 27.05.2015

Kein Klimaschutz ohne Klimagerechtigkeit; keine Klimagerechtigkeit ohne Degrowth

Climate justice 11

Von Christiane Kliemann Kurz vor der wichtigsten UN Klimakonferenz nach dem Scheitern von Kopenhagen nimmt die internationale Klimabewegung Fahrt auf: Der Widerstand gegen den Abbau fossiler Energieträger wächst und mit der erstarkenden globalen Divestment-Bewegung wächst auch der Druck, Gelder von fossilen Energien abzuziehen und stattdessen in Erneuerbare zu investieren. Erfolgsgeschichten v...