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An open letter presented at the 2024 degrowth conference, which calls for addressing inequalities in the degrowth movement

Decolonisation • 10.06.2024

National liberation in Palestine is an indispensable step towards degrowth

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By: Charles Stevenson, Inea Lehner, Feroz Khan

Writing from the encampment for Palestine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Charles Stevenson, Feroz Khan, and Inea Lehner argue that Palestinian liberation must be seen as central to a degrowth transformation

Education • 05.04.2024

Life after Growth: A peek into values, needs, and time for degrowth


By: Life After Growth summer school participants

A reflection from participants of the Life After Growth summer school which took place in Kalentzi, Greece, in September 2023, and sought to rethink how we value, care for and nurture our collective affairs through the commons.

Strategy • 13.03.2024

An interview with Climate Vanguard

Climate vanguard assets main logo red

By: The degrowth.info editorial team., Climate Vanguard

degrowth.info speaks to Climate Vanguard, the UK-based organisation seeking to radicalise the youth climate movement around ecosocialism.

Technology • 29.02.2024

What technology for degrowth?


By: Vasilis Kostakis

The world crumbles around us. Wealth inequality is deepening while the human species is facing an existential crisis. Despite calls to accept neoliberalism as inevitable, our situation is not hopeless. However, placing hope in yet-to-materialize technology to address ecological crises and wealth inequality is audacious.   Narratives like “green growth”, “ecomodernism”, and “accelerationism” ...

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