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Scientific paper


(Re)Productivity in a Perspective of Material Feminism

Carla Wember, Suse Brettin

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014


Abstract: In order to strive towards a more sustainable society, it is important to reconsider the relationships between culture (thus economy) and nature which implies questioning powerful dichotomization and hierarchization that are structuring western societies. The idea of nature as a mere resource for the exploits of mankind has led to crisis-laden phenomena as well as the naturalized conceptualization of the female body hence of women as such. This paper suggests a discussion about whether stronger linkages between already existing feminist concepts of degrowth (Caring Economies) and new theoretical approaches of Material Feminism - which explicitly take nature into account - could be fruitful and lead to a new feminist ontology of ecological matter.

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