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Showing 61 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

• 2022

The Feminist Subversion of the Economy: Contributions for Life Against Capital

By: Amaia Pérez Orozco

The Feminist Subversion of the Economy shows the urgent need to radically and democratically discuss what we mean by a dignified life and how we can organize to sustain life collectively. In the face of unending economic crises and climate catastrophe, we must consider, what does a dignified life look like? Feminist intellectual and activist Amaia Pérez Orozco powerfully and provocatively outl...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Relations of Care: ethics and food production in Europe

By: Wendy Harcourt, Anna Katharina Voss, Rosa de Nooijer

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 – WoMin - African women unite against destructive resource extraction

By: Samantha Hargreaves

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Beyond the Dam - Feminist perspectives on the social-environmental conflicts around the hydropower plant São Luis do Tapajós: shifting narratives

By: Camila Nobrega

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation

By: Wendy Harcourt, Christa Wichterich, Camila Nobrega, Anna Katharina Voss, Rosa de Nooijer, Samantha Hargreaves

Special session (discussion following 3 presentations) The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to restructuring towards profit orientation and cost saving measures in th...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Bursting Platform

By: Maša Hawlina, Asja Hrvatin, Nicoleta Nour, Sara Pistotnik, Lana Zdravković, Ajda Pistotnik

Special session Bursting Platform is bringing under a spotlight feminization of politics and exploration of possibilities of co-creating and opening a new political space – a platform for building stronger connections between various initiatives, places, women activists covering diverse, but relevant topics that bring into effect needed new alliances. Five themes will be presented by five ac...

Scientific paper • 2020


Ecological economics and degrowth: Proposing a future research agenda from the margins

By: Brototi Roy, Giorgos Kallis, Sofia Avila, Ksenija Hanaček

Research by ecological economists on degrowth is a flourishing field. Existing research has focused on limits to (green) growth and on economic alternatives for prospering without growth. Future research, we argue here, should pay more attention to, and be written, from the “margins” – that is from the point of view of those marginalized in the growth economy. We conduct a comprehensive systema...

Scientific paper • 2019


Climate justice, commons, and degrowth

By: Patricia E. Perkins

Abstract: Economic inequality reduces the political space for addressing climate change, by producing fear-based populism. Only when the safety, social status, and livelihoods of all members of society are assured will voluntary, democratic decisions be possible to reverse climate change and fairly mitigate its effects. Socio-environmental and climate justice, commoning, and decolonization are...

Scientific paper • 2019


Decolonizing degrowth in the post-development convergence: Questions, experiences, and proposals from two Indigenous territories

By: Padini Nirmal, Dianne Rocheleau

Abstract: A growing coalition of degrowth scholar-activist(s) seeks to transform degrowth into an interdisciplinary and international field bridging a rising network of social and environmental justice movements. We offer constructive decolonial and feminist critiques to foster their productive alliances with multiple feminisms, Indigenous, post-development and pluriversal thought and design (...

Scientific paper • 2019


What About the Global South? Towards a Feminist Decolonial Degrowth Approach

By: Corinna Dengler, Lisa Marie Seebacher

Abstract: Degrowth calls for a profound socio-ecological transformation towards a socially just and environmentally sound society. So far, the global dimensions of such a transformation in the Global North have arguably not received the required attention. This article critically reflects on the requirements of a degrowth approach that promotes global intragenerational justice without falling ...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Tierra madre, tierra sagrada, tierra territorio: visiones desde las mujeres de los pueblos

By: Sylvia Marcos

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Miércoles por Sylvia Marcos: "Tierra madre, tierra sagrada, tierra territorio: Visiones desde las mujeres de los pueblos"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Toward ethnic and gender systems that support diversity and interconnection for human survival

By: Susan Paulson

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Susan Paulson: "Hacia sistemas étnicos y de género que apoyen la diversidad y la interconexión para la supervivencia humana."

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Mujeres en Movimiento en la perspectiva ecofeminista: descrecimiento y economía solidaria en Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

By: Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, Marise Massen Frainer

El diálogo entre descrecimiento y economía solidaria revela una potencialidad creativa de cambios a nivel local y regional, actuando en la microeconomía por la vía del ecofeminismo. Tal experiencia señala la imposibilidad de que exista libertad, si los medios de producción están enganchados a cualquier forma de explotación, colonización o subordinación del otro, incluidas ahí las mujeres.

Scientific paper • 2018


Sustainability, Wellbeing and the Posthuman Turn

By: Thomas S.J. Smith

This book examines how the way we conceive of, or measure, the environment changes the way we interact with it. Thomas Smith posits that environmentalism and sustainable development have become increasingly post-political, characterised by abstraction, and quantification to an unprecedented extent. As such, the book argues that our ways of measuring both the environment, such as through sustain...

Scientific paper • 2017


Ecology and Justice: Contributions from the margins

By: Daniel Hausknost, Mladen Domazet (ed.), Marija Brajdić Vuković, Melita Carević, Karin Doolan, Pinija Poljaković, Drago Župarić-Iljić

The publisher: Political ecology is a research approach that combines the disciplinary tools of ecology as well as political economy to address the relations between humans and nature, and various outcomes of social and cultural norms that determine different human communities’ access to nature. Political ecology seeks explanations and interpretations of the phenomena resulting from the human-n...

• 2017


"Gender raus!" 12 Richtigstellungen zu Antifeminismus und Gender-Kritik

By: Franziska Schutzbach

Angriffe gegen Feminismus, gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen und emanzipative Familien- und Lebensmodelle, gegen Gender Studies, Gleichstellungs- und Antidiskriminierungspolitiken werden seit längerem in Zeitungen, Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen, Blogs, Artikeln und Büchern kontrovers verhandelt. Dies spiegelt sich auch in vielen Auseinandersetzungen im Alltag, in der Kneipe und auf Veranstalt...