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Showing 62 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Collaborative housing in Catalonia: obstacles and strategies

By: Mateus Lira M Machado

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Collaborative housing (cooperative and co housing) allows for efficient use of resources, solidarity and non-speculative urbanism. This degrowth model is expanding in Catalonia, through partnerships between government and civil society, but concrete implementation faces a series of obstacles. Presenters: Mateus Lira M ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Exploring Equitable Degrowth in Circular Community Development in Health and Care

By: Larissa Lai

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Underserved and historically marginalized populations have been disproportionately afflicted by financial and climate related disasters. In face of the immediate climate crisis, many existing systems are being disrupted, thus adversely impacting the livelihood, health and wellbeing of underserved populations. In planning ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. Presenters: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats La...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Community, Housing, Care

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats, Larissa Lai, Saskia Hebert, Mateus Lira M Machado

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies - video This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. P...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Relations of Care: ethics and food production in Europe

By: Wendy Harcourt, Anna Katharina Voss, Rosa de Nooijer

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 – WoMin - African women unite against destructive resource extraction

By: Samantha Hargreaves

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Beyond the Dam - Feminist perspectives on the social-environmental conflicts around the hydropower plant São Luis do Tapajós: shifting narratives

By: Camila Nobrega

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation

By: Wendy Harcourt, Christa Wichterich, Camila Nobrega, Anna Katharina Voss, Rosa de Nooijer, Samantha Hargreaves

Special session (discussion following 3 presentations) The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to restructuring towards profit orientation and cost saving measures in th...

• 2020


Academia in the time of Covid-19: Our chance to develop an ethics of care

By: Esteve Corbera, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Isabel Ruiz-Mallén

"In writing this opinion article we hope to encourage thinking about how academics may transform our work ethos now and in the future. This disruptive time can become an opportunity to foster a culture of care, refocus on what is most important, change expectations about the meaning of quality teaching and research, and in doing so make academic practice more respectful and sustainable."

Art contribution • 2020


Decolonising Sleep: Or the reparative power of rest as a radical act to restore rhythmic cycles

By: Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

'The Dark Mountain Project' online series 'Becoming Human' explores the physical, psychological and experiential aspects of our current predicament and how we might realign our bodies and minds with the living systems. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli makes a case for the reclamation of sleep in an insomniac culture. Notes from a fractal encyclopædist on the interdependence of sleep and waking, delivered a...

• 2020


How to beat coronavirus capitalism?

By: Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Lia Rose

An online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, with a musical performance by Lia Rose. The current crisis is laying bare the extreme injustices and inequalities of our economic and social system. We are in a battle of visions for how we’re going to respond to this crisis. We will either be catapulted backward to an even more brutal winner-takes-all system — o...

Scientific paper • 2019


Environmental justice, degrowth and post-capitalist futures

By: Neera M. Singh

Struggles for Environmental Justice, more widespread in the global South, are often framed as traditional societies defending “old ways of life”; while degrowth, a relatively new movement in the global North is seen as striving for a “new ways of life.” I argue that both assert or aspire for other ways of being and belonging to the world and open possibilities for post-capitalist futures. In th...

Scientific paper • 2019


Keeping multiple antennae up: Coevolutionary foundations for methodological pluralism

By: Giorgos Kallis, Richard B. Norgaard, Jessica J. Goddard

Methodological pluralism has been a tenet of ecological economics since the journal's inauguration. Pluralism has fostered collaboration and forged new insights across disciplines. However, to counter the hegemonic voice of mainstream economics and inspire action on climate change and inequality, ecological economics requires coherence to produce meaningful knowledge from diverse research findi...

Scientific paper • 2019


Environmental justice, degrowth and post-capitalist futures

By: Neera M. Singh

Abstract: Struggles for Environmental Justice, more widespread in the global South, are often framed as traditional societies defending “old ways of life”; while degrowth, a relatively new movement in the global North is seen as striving for a “new ways of life.” I argue that both assert or aspire for other ways of being and belonging to the world and open possibilities for post-capitalist fut...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Mujeres en Movimiento en la perspectiva ecofeminista: descrecimiento y economía solidaria en Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

By: Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, Marise Massen Frainer

El diálogo entre descrecimiento y economía solidaria revela una potencialidad creativa de cambios a nivel local y regional, actuando en la microeconomía por la vía del ecofeminismo. Tal experiencia señala la imposibilidad de que exista libertad, si los medios de producción están enganchados a cualquier forma de explotación, colonización o subordinación del otro, incluidas ahí las mujeres.

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Managing degrowth: is this an oxymoron?

By: Nilo Coradini de Freitas, Fabio Bittencourt Meira

"Maybe it's not by foresight and manipulation of a means of organizing, to institutionalize substantive values that a convivial degrowth society may be nourished."

Scientific paper • 2018


The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism

By: Corinna Dengler, Birte Strunk

Degrowth, gender inequality, sustainability, work sharing, gender working time equality, caring economy

Scientific paper • 2017


The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism

By: Corinna Dengler, Birte Strunk

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, gender inequality, sustainability, work sharing, gender working time equality, caring economy