Gaia Angelini-Roberto Bennati, Enrico Moriconi, Paola Segurini
Entry type:
Scientific paper
Year of publication:
Degrowth Conference Venice 2012
From the text: . . . With such a future meat request scenario, many ‘different’ solutions are being taken into account, as the creation of transgenic animals, or the spreading in Europe and North America of the habit of eating insects, or the production of ‘in vitro’ meat created in a lab from stem cells.All the above mentioned solutions appear to be bizarre and extremely complicate if we compare them with the – immediate or gradual - change of our individual ‘Western’ lifestyle. Starting from our eating habits. The ever increasing demand for animal products comes for countries (like China and Brazil) who are adopting our lifestyle. It’s our duty, as our lifestyle is their ‘model’, to implement a more sustainable lifestyle, aware of the consequences of individual behavior on the future of the whole Planet. A vegan lifestyle responds fully to the principle of contraction, i.e. savings in consumption of essential resources.