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Showing 2 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical reasons for animal liberation

By: Friederike Schmitz

Abstract: Every year, humans kill 66 billion nonhuman land animals and more than a trillion aquatic individuals for the purpose of consumption. Countless other nonhuman animals are tortured in laboratories or exploited for human clothing, leisure, sports, or work. The immense suffering of animals contrasts with a general neglect of the issue in left and green movements, and theory. In this pape...

Scientific paper • 2012


The multifaceted consequences of ‘meat’ consumption and the adoption of a vegetable based diet: a core degrowth issue

By: Gaia Angelini-Roberto Bennati, Enrico Moriconi, Paola Segurini

From the text: . . . With such a future meat request scenario, many ‘different’ solutions are being taken into account, as the creation of transgenic animals, or the spreading in Europe and North America of the habit of eating insects, or the production of ‘in vitro’ meat created in a lab from stem cells.All the above mentioned solutions appear to be bizarre and extremely complicate if we compa...