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Showing 83 items

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Degrowing the food sector: how to build democratic food policies

By: Julianna Fehlinger, Olivier De Schutter, Genevieve Savigny, Armin Bernhard, Line Rise Nielsen

Panel debate The aim of the panel is to develop a common understanding of how a socially and ecologically sustainable food systems can look like. To achieve this, we draw on existing practices and strategies of local and regional initiatives which promote sustainable food systems. There exists already a variety of collectives, networks, and food system approaches, which create opportunities ...

Presentation • 2020

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Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Knowledge production for degrowth

By: François Briens, Fabrice Flipo, Camille Besombes, Maura Benegiamo, Madina Querre, Paul Lacoste, Simon Grudet, Aude Lapprand, Maëlle Frétigné

Workshop We offer a workshop focused on our needs in terms of knowledge production in a society turned towards degrowth. We will highlight the work of fifty researchers, activists and students on the production of an alternative research scenario, called Horizon Earth. The workshop will revolve around four phases of presentation and discussion : The research scenario’s development and object...

Scientific paper • 2020


Jevons' paradox and a tax on aviation to prevent the next pandemic

By: Salvador Pueyo

How is it possible that, in an era of unprecedented medical progress, humanity is once again caught in a major pandemic? Several lines of evidence suggest that advances in infectious diseases control facilitate the development of major urban centers, global high-speed transportation, industrial animal farming and ecosystem destruction. In turn, all of these are well known to favor such diseases...

Scientific paper • 2020


Designing sustainability in blues: the limits of technospatial growth imaginaries

By: Duygu Kaşdoğan

In the midst of a global food crisis, the late 2000s saw tensions between rising food prices and demands for biofuels coalesce into a “food versus fuel” debate. In response to ensuing public outcries, governmental agencies, and researchers across the globe began mobilizing around alternative biofuel feedstock. Among these materials, algae emerged as the most “hopeful” sustainable alternativ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Blue Growth and its discontents in the Faroe Islands: an island perspective on Blue (De)Growth, sustainability, and environmental justice

By: Ragnheiður Bogadóttir

Blue Growth is promoted as an important strategy for future food security, and sustainable harvesting of marine resources. This paper aims to identify dominating ideologies and strategies of Blue Growth in the Faroe Islands, mainly regarding salmon farming and industrial capture fisheries, and to investigate how these ideologies materialize in the social metabolism of Faroese society. The a...

Scientific paper • 2019


Food self-provisioning as an answer to the metabolic rift: The case of ‘Dacha Resilience’ in Estonia

By: Lilian Pungas

Abstract: Agriculture is not only an essential nexus between society and nature but in its current industrial form also a possible threat to ecological stability. This article explores how a supplement to the conventional agrifood system alleviates the negative consequences of the industrial food production system that manifest through the metabolic rift (Marx, 1981). During fieldwork in Eston...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - La vía campesina y la soberanía alimentaria

By: Alberto Gómez

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Miércoles por Alberto Gómez: "La vía campesina y la Soberanía alimentaria"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Un criterio para la defensa de los maices originarios como patrimonio biocultural

By: Miguel Esteban, Isreal Ozuna

Con base en reflexiones hechas sobre las diferencias entre los policultivos que permiten la reproducción de los maíces originarios y los monocultivos de maíces transgénicos, se propone un criterio general que nos permita diferenciar entre las prácticas culturales que podemos patrimonializar de aquellas que no. Este criterio es la posibilidad de reproducir la vida en su diversidad biológica y cu...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Waste as wealth: Edinburgh's Shurb coop

By: Jakob Sparn

This presentation explains what the SHRUB coop does to reduce & re-use "waste", to educate the public, and to create community.

Interview • 2017


Boom Crops / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Juan Liu

By: Juan Liu

Juan Liu, ICTA-UAB, explains the term "Boom Crops" and the experience of China with peculiar boom crops, such as sugar cane and eucalyptus. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017

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Enough is as good as a feast: here’s how we can imagine a brighter food future

By: Christoph Rupprecht

Introduction: The World Economic Forum’s 2017 report on the future of food examines what the world’s food systems might look like in 2030. But none of the four future scenarios it presents is particularly attractive. To create a world where everyone can eat well without wrecking the planet, we need better ideas, a rich imagination and the right tools.

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth, organic agriculture and GMOs: A reply to Gomiero

By: Bartosz Bartkowski

Agriculture; CRISPR/Cas genome editing; Degrowth; Food production; Genetic engineering

• 2017

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Enough is as good as a feast: here’s how we can imagine a brighter food future

By: Christoph Rupprecht

Article about the future of food. How it is envisioned by the World Economics Forum in 2017 and what other possible imaginaries there are or could be.

Scientific paper • 2017


Making degrowth locally meaningful: the case of the Faroese grindadráp

By: Ragnheiður Bogadóttir, Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen

Keywords: Degrowth, whaling, Faroe Islands, relational ethic, noncapitalism

Scientific paper • 2017


Looking to food sovereignty movements for post-growth theory

By: Antonio Roman-Alcalá

Keywords: food sovereignty, La Vía Campesina, peasantries, agonistic democracy, praxis

Scientific paper • 2016


Community Economies and Companion Species in Food Production

By: Pieta Hyvärinen

Food production is at the core of the current ecological and economic crises. To produce food is to be connected with more-than-human nature with the purpose of providing ourselves with our basic needs. As most of the food in the world is produced in exploitative economic and ecological relationships, it is crucial to focus on the various initiatives that look for alternative ways of producing ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Consumerism versus happiness. The case of Alternative Food Networks in Barcelona

By: Helen Zaiser

Overcoming consumerism is one objective of the degrowth movement, to be achieved through a great social transformation by building alternatives. It inherently embraces material needs downscaling, self-sufficiency, voluntary simplicity and getting clear of neoliberal capitalist logics. Food cooperatives have the potential to embody such features, constituting a strategy for new social movements....

Scientific paper • 2016


Dobrze Co-op – facilitating the transition from niche to mainstream.

By: Jakub Rok, Wojtek Mejor, Nina J. Bąk

About the authors Who are we and what position do we take? Combining the roles of activists, community organizers and co-op members we reflect on our own experience within the organization. Community-engaged research and collaborative building of knowledge for the sake of evaluating successes and failures. About the Co-op A short retrospective on our initiative. Growing from an informal gro...

Scientific paper • 2016


Exploring the Food Consumption Patterns of the Local Population on the Greek Island of Samothraki

By: Julia Désirée Huber

The Greek island of Samothraki was food self-sufficient up until the mid 1960s. This paper analyses, from a socio-metabolic perspective, how the changes in Mediterranean food production and consumption have influenced the island’s food consumption patterns over the past 50 years. A food consumption survey was conducted to assess the current food consumption patterns of the local population of S...

Scientific paper • 2016


In search for sustainable local food systems: Sociometabolic perspectives

By: Willi Haas, Eva Fraňková, Ines Marco Lafuente, Juan Cadillo Benalcazar, Eneko Garmendia

During the last century, we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in both global food production and associated environmental, social, and economic problems connected to the increasingly industrialized and globalised food production system; projections for the future foresee a continuation of the rising food demand. While sustainable food production is a global challenge, it has an inevitable ...