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Showing 232 items

Interview • 2013


Transition and Degrowth movements…

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anisabel Veillot

This interview was made by the French magazine S!lence. Three questions were asked to the members of the Collective « Un projet de Décroissance » (« A Degrowth Project » ) about the differencies, the complementarities, and the convergences between the Degrowth and Transition movements. > In French

Report • 2013


Everyday Rebellion

By: Riahi Brothers

Documentary, 118 minutes: "Two-thirds of successful system changes in history were NON-VIOLENT". The inspiring and moving documentation is about non-violent forms of protest and civil disobedience in the 21st century (e.g. Iran, Syria, Egypt, Spain, Occupy, Femen). Dokumentation, 118 Minuten: "Zwei Drittel der erfolgreichen Umbrüche in der Geschichte waren gewaltfrei". Die sehenswerte Doku "...

Report • 2013


The Degrowth Paradigm

By: Richard Swift

The Canadian author and journalist Richard Swift takes the listener on a journey to different degrowth projects. During the visits concepts of the degrowth movement are explained and practical examples are highlighted. In the elaborate programme different actors of the international degrowth movement get to speak.

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth or regrowth?

By: Mark Whitehead

From the text: If you ask people what they remember most about the financial crisis of 2008 you are likely to hear phrases such as the subprime bubble, toxic assets, Bear Stearns or Northern Rock. As an environmentalist, the main focus of my recollections is slightly different. What I remember most vividly was the desperation with which central bankers and politicians sought to immediately char...

• 2013

Image Text

Die Zeit ist reif für Ernährungssouveränität

By: Magdalena Heuwieser, Julianna Fehlinger, Franziskus Forster

Editoral: Alle Menschen müssen essen. Das Recht auf Nahrung steht allen Menschen zu und doch wird es vielen verwehrt. Um die Zukunft der Ernährung wird derzeit heftig gerungen. Weltweit treten soziale Bewegungen für Ernährungssouveränität ein: Eine „Welt ohne Hunger“, das Gute Leben für alle ist die Perspektive. Das erste globale Nyeleni-Forum zu Ernährungssouveränität fand 2007 in Mali stat...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth, American Style: No Impact Man and Bourgeois Primitivism

By: David Correia

From the paper: "While Degrowth has found limited purchase outside existing anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist or scholarly circles, Beavan has become a media darling. His blog found the attention of a variety of media outlets and, after numerous articles and television and radio appearances, has become hugely popular. The effort of ‘one guilty liberal,’ it seems, tapped into a growing environme...

Interview • 2012


Ecological Economics

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Extraenvironmentalist

[ Joan Martinez-Alier // Ecological Economics] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Joan Martinez-Alier made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Why has it taken so long until climate change and degrowth became topics? He talks about "Debt-ocracy" and the hope that the financial crisis can open up discussions about the real economy...

• 2012


ABC der Alternativen 2.0

By: Ulrich Brand, Bettina Lösch, Benjamin Opratko, Stefan Thimmel

»Es geht ... um die Kritik und Veränderung bestehender Macht- und Herrschaftsverhältnisse, die Alternativen dazu sind jedoch vielfältig, müssen praktisch entstehen, stehen teilweise in Spannungen zueinander. Die Ausrichtung von Alternativen kann am Staat orientiert, staatskritisch oder anti-staatlich sein, vom Anspruch her oder in der Praxis systemimmanent oder System transformierend. Ökologisc...

Scientific paper • 2012


Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements

By: Joan Martinez-Alier

Ecological Economics, Social Metabolism, and Political Ecology

Scientific paper • 2012


Feminism and degrowth: Parallelisms and Intersections.

By: Paola Melchiori

The contribution of feminism to the economy of degrowth. Introduction: The questions I will propose here are the following: has feminism still something to contribute, in the actual historical conjuncture, to a movement like the degrowth movement? Will the same characteristics of this movement guarantee that the main contents of feminism are already incorporated? The reason for these question...

Scientific paper • 2012


A nebulosa do decrescimento: um estudo sobre as contradições das novas formas de fazer política

By: Ana Flavia Pulsini Louzada Bádue

Resumo Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como tema central a mobilização políticoecológica de Decrescimento na França. Com o argumento de que o crescimento econômico destrói o meio ambiente, militantes do decrescimento acionam uma diversidade de coletivos, ações e ideias para construir uma mobilização política em forma de nebulosa. Diferente de um movimento social, de um partido político ou de ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Beni Comuni: un catalizzatore per i movimenti?

By: Mario Agostinelli

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Reflexions about how to build a degrowth process in Brazil

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre, Alan Ainer Boccato-Franco, Edson Franco

Keywords: Solidarity Economy, Political strategy, participatory transition, degrowth process, social movements

Scientific paper • 2012


Transition & Occupy in San Francisco, California: Social movements and the degrowth of the fossil fuel economy in the San Francisco Bay Area

By: Jennifer Wells

Abstract: Myriad social groups and movements in the San Francisco Bay Area are making important contributions to the goals of carbon economy degrowth, deceleration of climate change, and transitioning to a sustainable global society. To date the net effects are of course insufficient, but they provide a basis for greater change. Examples are numerous and diverse. Moving forward, their conjoined...

Scientific paper • 2012


On the Prospect of Preventing Global Climate Catastrophe due to Rapid Social Change

By: Olli Tammilehto

From the paper: Though the chances of dethroning growth by a huge increase of social movement activities in the near future seem very slim, there are reasons why we still have hope. Social change movements exist, and there are historical experiences indicating that in dire situations these movements can change and grow rapidly. Witness, as of this writing in November 2011, the Occupy Wall Stree...

Interview • 2012


A Future for Education

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Michael M'Gonigle

[ Michael M'Gonigle // A Future for Education ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Michael M'Gonigle made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Michael M'Gonigle is talking about education, also university education and how it is economised. He is criticising that university is like a training ground for professionals while it shou...

• 2011



By: Horst Kahrs, Christina Kaindl, Rainer Rilling, Mimmo Porcar, Tasos Koronakis, David Cohen, Peter Martin, Marlene Streeruwitz, Bernd Riexinger, Jeffrey Raffo, Corinna Trogisch, Ibrahima Thiam, Amacodou Diouf, Malte Daniljuk, Nik Theodore, Ai-Jen Poo, Judith Butler, Richard D. Wolff, Jan Rehmann, Ethan Young, Ingar Solty

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 04/2011 Niemand kann mehr sagen, dass sich kein Widerstand gegen die herrschende Krisenpolitik regt. Seit Anfang des Jahres sind »plötzlich« neue Kämpfe entstanden (vgl. Luxemburg 2/2011). Nicht einzuordnen in die üblichen Kategorien der politischen Wahrnehmung, getragen von »ganz normalen Leuten«, scheinen sie unorganisiert. Vergangene Bewegungen und ihre Erfahrunge...

Report • 2011


Die Enquetekommission als strategischer Ansatzpunkt für einen starken Postwachstumsdiskurs?

By: Sabine Leidig, Michael Müller

Protokoll vom Workshop "Die Enquetekommission als strategischer Ansatzpunkt für einen starken Postwachstumsdiskurs?" auf dem Attac-Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums?!" 2011 in Berlin. Gemeinsam mit Sabine Leidig und Michael Müller von der Enquetekommission des Bundestags „Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität“ wurde die Frage diskutiert, ob die sozialen Bewegungen die Arbeit der Kommission als ...

Interview • 2011


Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums?!" am 21. Mai 2011 bei RBB Aktuell / Interview mit Werner Rätz

By: Werner Rätz

Ein kurzer Bericht über den Attac-Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums?!", der im Mai 2011 in Berlin stattfand, inklusive eines Interviews mit Werner Rätz, einem der Initiatoren von Attac-Deutschland.

Position paper • 2011


Degrowth: A Platform for Convergence

By: Parti Pour La Decroissance

The publisher: This Platform for Convergence was proposed by the attendants of the Constitutional Convention of the Association of Objector to Growth in Beaugency (France) on Saturday, September 19th, 2009. There is still a large consensus around this platform in the French Degrowth movement which explains what is Degrowth, what could be strategies for Degrowth and start to draw the main lines ...