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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Green Agrowth as a Third Option: Removing the GDP-Growth Constraint on Human Progress

By: Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh

climate change, degrowth, GDP paradox, green growth, growth debate, macro indicators

Scientific paper • 2014


A meta-analysis investigation of the direction of the energy-GDP causal relationship: implications for the growth-degrowth dialogue

By: Panos Kalimeris, Clive Richardson, Kostas Bithas

Energy scarcity; Economic growth; Granger causality; Rough set data analysis; Multinomial logistic regression; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


‘Expand or die’. The historical foundations of the economic growth paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Abstract: ‘Economic growth’ is widely regarded as a key goal of economic policy, not only across the political spectrum but also in all countries. How did the pursuit of growth become the essential goal of policy-making and a key priority taken for granted among social scientists, politicians, and the general public? This contribution to the special session "Degrowth and History" takes up this ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Role of Children in a Degrowing Society

By: Christiane Richard-Elsner

Children Play Urban planning Autonomy

Interview • 2014



By: Vincent Liegey, Adrien Despoisse, Sara Feher

Content among other topics: Degrowth sources - Karl Polanyi and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Networking, Degrowth workshop in Budapest, what does degrowth mean for the global North and South, opposition to degrowth . . .

Scientific paper • 2014


Learning for and in a Degrowing Society

By: Christiane Richard-Elsner

Learning, own experiences, neurobiology, neighbourhood

Scientific paper • 2014


Agroecology as alternative(s) to development: A South African Case Study

By: Alistair Tamlit

Abstract: According to Auturo Escobar, development and capitalism have become the most significant ideas to shape social life and these ideas are directly related to the multiple crises our planet faces. Post-development theories offer alternative narratives to the traditional development notions of universal knowledge and progress. Yet, the mainstream development discourse remains and challeng...

Scientific paper • 2014


Potentials of the degrowth debate for socio-ecological transformation

By: Panos Petridis

Abstract: As the concept of socio-ecological transformation is increasingly gaining momentum in both academic research and policy circles, contributions from the degrowth debate come very timely. This paper analyses the recent developments in the degrowth literature, highlighting its visions as regards transformation, by presenting its ontological assumptions, actors and strategies, as well as ...

Art contribution • 2014


[untitled] a space for monsters, ghosts and animals

By: friendly fire

[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100336,100337,100338,100339,100340"] From the conference programme: In a performative audiowalk friendly fire explores together with the visitors individual and collective transformations in all their visionary, dreamy, scary, eerie, threatening, monstrous or incredibly funny facets. Stroll around in the conference area equiped with an audioguide to find...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theorizing Rebound-Effects in A Pragmatist Manner

By: Stefan Laser

Abstract: Debating socio-economic issues and practical strategies how to solve them habitually results in two opposing statements: (a) an economic-driven solution which almost blindly builds upon efficiency or (b) an overall critique of the growth-paradigm which specifically emphasizes unpredictable “rebound-effects”. Here, I suggest, one has to bring these two conflicting parties together by r...

• 2014


Reise ins Land der untergehenden Sonne - Japans Weg in die Postwachstumsgesellschaft

By: Christine Ax

Japans Bevölkerung schrumpft und altert. ­Gleichzeitig will, ja, muss das Land der aufgehenden Sonne ­wirtschaftlich wachsen – die Quadratur des Kreises. Die Philosophin und Nachhaltigkeitsforscherin Christine Ax nimmt Sie mit auf die Reise in ein Land, das zehn Jahre tiefer in einem Problem steckt, das den übrigen Ländern des Westens erst noch bevorsteht. Sie zeigt, wie die bisherigen Lösun...

• 2014


Getting to Postgrowth: The Transformative Power of Mind- and Paradigm Shifts

By: aboutsource

Before an individual chooses to act, he or she requires a story or mindset to make sense of what the situation is about. Acting rationally in this sense means to act with reason, in congruence with one’s worldview and the individual interpretation of the “rules of the game.” Individual mindsets, however, are not fixed […]

Scientific paper • 2014


Scenarios on energy sufficiency and societal transformations: changing lifestyles and social structures to make energy savings

By: M Le Dû

Abstract: Lifestyles and social structures have a significant impact on energy consumption. Governments are focusing their strategies on renewable energies for energy supply and on energy efficiency to reduce energy demand, but energy transition is strongly linked to wider societal change. By creating prospective energy scenarios, the aim of this research focused on energy sufficiency was to ev...

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?

By: Willi Haas, Adelheid Biesecker, Uta von Winterfeld

Documentation of the event "Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Roundtable discussion with short inputs: The reorganization of working societies and sustainable ways of living are closely linked. But the concepts ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Post-communist Continuous Crisis and the Wake-up Call of Rosia Montana

By: Irina Velicu

Abstract: This paper examines various forms of resistance and alternative proposals to capital development in a post-socialist context. I argue that learning from the controversies here could be useful for research on de-growth because they are articulated from a position of anxiety with regard to both the communist and the neo-liberal experiments. What has disappeared after 1989 has not been a...

• 2014


Völlig utopisch: 17 Beispiele einer besseren Welt

By: Marc Engelhardt (Hrsg.)

Der Verlag: Nächste Ausfahrt: Utopia Und es gibt sie doch: realisierte Utopien. Die Weltreporter haben sie über die ganze Welt verstreut aufgespürt. Hier erzählen sie von ganz verschiedenen kleinen und größeren Aufbrüchen und Ankünften. Von Menschen, die ihre Träume, die das Glück, trotz aller Widerstände, in die eigene Hand nehmen. Das ist nicht immer einfach, aber – und das zeigt dieses Buch...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Knowledge Economy: Key to Sustainable Development?

By: Lukáš Režný, James Buchanan White

Knowledge economy, Sustainability, Economic growth, Nonrenewable natural resources consumption, Peak oil

Scientific paper • 2014


Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary systems

By: Josué Manuel Quintana Diaz

Monetary system, monetary constitution, growth imperative, Transitions Initiatives, decommodification

Scientific paper • 2014


From commodity to commons: analysis of experimentation of collective appropriation of agricultural lands

By: Elsa Costanzo

Abstract: We propose an institutional analysis, based on a field research, of an emergent French initiative called Terre de Liens (TdL) that intends to take out agricultural lands from the speculative market, contributes to their de-commodification and governs them as a commons. We will wonder to what extent TdL may turn agricultural lands into a commons, following Elinor Ostrom’s definition. W...