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Showing 416 items

Position paper • 2014


Mehr oder weniger?

By: Tadzio Müller, Christa Wichterich, Norbert Reuter, Kristina Dietz

Wachstumskritik von links. Aus der Einleitung: . . . Das mit der Wachstumskritik ist schon eine schwierige Sache für die Linke. Wie formulierte noch Alexis Tsipras von Syriza unter großem Applaus auf dem Parteitag der LINKEN im Mai in Berlin: Eine «Gesellschaft der Gerechtigkeit, der Solidarität und des Wachstums» müsse als linkes Konzept der herrschenden EU-Politik entgegengestellt werden. ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Rewarding with a licence to commit ecocide: High incomes and climate change

By: Olli Tammilehto

Abstract: According to many studies greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a person or to a household increase with growing income. On the global level, a well-paid quarter of the population generates around three quarters of the total carbon dioxide emissions. The suffering from the disastrous effects of climate change, on the other hand, is distributed in the opposite direction. The conditi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D’Alisa, Giorgos Kallis (ed.)

Anti-utilitarianism, Bio-economics, Environmental Justice, Simplicity, Conviviality, Autonomy, Care, Commons, Dépense

• 2014


Wie politische Bildung wirkt - Wirkungsstudie zur biographischen Nachhaltigkeit politischer Jugendbildung

By: Nadine Balzter, Yan Ristau, Achim Schröder

Mit der Wirkungsstudie wird erstmals empirisch belegt, wie sich politische Jugendbildung längerfristig auswirkt und in politischen Haltungen sowie politischen Aktivitäten von Teilnehmenden niederschlägt. Dazu haben die Forscher junge Erwachsene biographisch-narrativ interviewt, die etwa fünf Jahre zuvor an Veranstaltungen und Projekten der politischen Jugendbildung teilgenommen haben. Die Anal...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agency is not enough: obstacles to back-to-the-land and agri-food downscaling

By: Rita Calvario

Back-to-the-land, agri-food downscaling, degrowth transition

Scientific paper • 2014


Buen Vivir, Degrowth and Ecological Swaraj: Alternatives to sustainable development and the Green Economy

By: Ashish Kothari, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta

well-being; environmental justice; sustainability; economic growth; equity; sustainable development

Position paper • 2014


Wachstum im Wandel-Policy papers - Zusammenfassung

By: Andrea Stocker, Friedrich Hinterberger

Aus dem Paper: In diesem Gesamtbericht werden die einzelnen bereits abgeschlossenen Policy Papers zusammengefasst. Konkret werden die folgenden Themen aufgegriffen: Lebensqualität Staatsausgaben Arbeit Makro ökonomische Resilienz Resilienz auf der Unternehmensebene Landwirtschaft als Anbieter und Nutzer von Ökosystemleistungen Sustainable Leadership Energie Verteilung Jedem Thema...

Scientific paper • 2014


Investigating the potential of applying theories on rebound effects to the climate discourse: The case of climate change adaptation in winter tourism

By: Carlo Aall

Rebound effects, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, tourism

Interview • 2014


Die Opfer der Sparprogramme: Naturzerstörung und Privatisierung von Gemeingütern / Proteste gegen die Goldmine in Skouries

By: Giorgos Chondros

Nach der Kürzung der Löhne und Renten, der Zerstörung von Arbeiterrechten wie Kollektivverträgen findet nun die dritte Phase der Sparprogramme in Griechenland statt: Die Privatisierung von Gemeingütern wie Flughäfen, Häfen, der Bahn, Krankenhäusern oder Schulen. Dabei werde auch der Natur- und Landschaftsschutz ausgehebelt, so Giorgos Chondros von der Linkspartei Syriza. So plane die Regierung,...

Scientific paper • 2014


The quest for sustainable development: Decoupling of what and how?

By: Michael Herrmann

From the introduction: This paper provides a clear framework of sustainable development, which helps to navigate through the increasingly muddled discussion, and to identify policy priorities for sustainable development pathways. The paper reiterates the call for more inclusive and greener economic growth and to this end argues for two distinct types of decoupling: Efforts to decouple economic ...

Scientific paper • 2014


A historical exploration of ruralist ideology in Spain and its importance for the degrowth and democracy debate

By: Santiago Gorostiza

degrowth, autonomy, democracy, fascism, ruralism, Spain

Scientific paper • 2014


Railway transport and social-ecological transformation in Germany

By: Hannes Fauser

Abstract: This short paper summarizes the development of railway services in Germany in the past two decades, which have been marked by commercialization, increased competition and attempts of privatization. I argue that these policies are misled from a social-ecological perspective and have only modestly performed in terms of shifting passengers and cargo towards railway transportation. The th...

Scientific paper • 2014


The scientific work of Richard Douthwaite

By: Hans Diefenbacher

Abstract: The first contribution to the special session on the legacy of Richard Douthwaite is an attempt to carve out his most important heoretical findings to show to what extent the work of Richard Douthwaite can be seen as a convincing foundation to a degrowth strategy, and how this foundation can be used to develop practical suggestions towards its political realization. The contribution w...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological citizen in the midst of right to the city movements in Turkey

By: Mine Islar

Abstract: Social movements, as powerful channels of political expression and mobilization, have become global phenomena with potential to reshape societies and politics around the world. The purpose of this paper is to produce an interdisciplinary study of right to the city movements by analyzing the re-politicization of the citizens engaged in Turkey’s Gezi movement. The paper aims at explorin...

• 2014


The Politics of Sufficiency: Making it easier to live the Good Life

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Uwe Schneidewind

How to make sufficency go mainstream, proposals for politics, an attempt to bring sufficency into the political arena. ISBN-13: 978-3-86581-690-0 Original published as "Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird: Perspektiven einer Suffizienzpolitik"

Scientific paper • 2014


Governance of sustainability transformation: Transformative environmental policy

By: Lisa Graaf, Holger Bär, Klaus Jacob

Abstract: In this paper we develop a concept of transformative environmental policy as a complementary field of environmental policy, which addresses ongoing processes of societal change and utilizes them for achieving environmental sustainability. In our view, transformative environmental policies are not replacing other environmental policies that protect natural resources or reduce emissions...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological Basic Income – an Acceleration Brake

By: Ulrich Schachtschneider

Abstract: An ecological basic income is one financed through eco-taxes. This principle could both combine the necessary rise in costs of environmental goods with redistribution of income and link sufficiency with different lifestyle norms. Moreover, it can help to switch off the acceleration motors which are responsible for the ongoing social acceleration in modern societies, according to the t...

Position paper • 2014


Challenging Capital Oligarchies

By: Judith Dellheim

A socialist view on degrowth positions by Judith Dellheim. Policy Paper 04/201 Introduction: Who does actually drive growth? Two central forces behind destructive growth today are a new type of capital oligarchies, and a new form of financialisation. More than ever, these are blocking social and ecological alternatives. Any socialist critique of growth must therefore begin here. There are t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles and ethics of caring and sustainable economy

By: Daniela Gottschlich

Abstract: Feminist approaches take the rationale of care as a normative guideline that offers an opportunity to deal with the numerous socio-ecological crises caused by e.g. the rationale of development and resource extractivism. Taking the accumulation of capital as a guiding principle does not have a neutral effect on the efforts to secure sustainable livelihoods. On the contrary, it promotes...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecologically Dangerous Patriotism

By: Mark Lindley, Jan Otto Andersson

Abstract: A traditional, persistently mercantilist tendency of nation states has prevented them from cooperating sufficiently on macro-ecological problems of unprecedented urgency in the 21st century. The strength of this tendency is due historically to the fact that nation states, and the kind of patriotism which they engender, emerged together with internationally competitive capitalism. We p...