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Showing 3581 items

• 2013


Land & Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History

By: Martin Empson

The publisher: Martin Empson draws on a Marxist understanding of history to grapple with the contradictory potential of our relationship with our environment. In so doing he shows that human action is key, both to the destruction of nature and to the possibility of a sustainable solution to the ecological crises of the 21st century. ISBN : 9781909026520

• 2013


Das Moneyfest

By: Helge Peukert

Untertitel: Ursachen und Lösungen der Finanzmarkt- und Staatsschuldenkrise Der Verlag: . . . Im Unterschied zu den vielen anderen Streitschriften, die oft eher beliebige und einseitige Reformempfehlungen aneinanderreihen, werden hier zunächst die derzeit vorherrschenden Finanzmarkt-Theorien kurz, kritisch und auch für den Nichtfachmann verständlich unter die Lupe genommen. Auf dieser Basis ste...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy

By: Giorgos Kallis, Viviana Asara, Emanuele Profumi

Degrowth, autonomy, direct democracy, revolution, Castoriadis, democracy, social imaginary

Scientific paper • 2013


Food for Change

By: Jeff Pratt, Pete Luetchford

Subtitle: The Politics and Values of Social Movements. The publisher: "Concern about our food system is growing, from the costs of industrial farming to the dominant role of supermarkets and recurring scandals about the origins and content of what we eat. Food for Change documents the way alternative food movements respond to these concerns by trying to create more closed economic circuits wit...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Impact of Employment Protection Legislation on the Unemployment Rate in Selected OECD Countries

By: Raif Can

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract:The findings of the existing literature on the relationship between employment protection legislation and the unemployment rate are mixed. This study analyzes the relationship between employment protection legislation measured by the OECD Employment Protection Index and the unemployment rate be...

Position paper • 2013


Manifeste Convivialiste

By: Les Convivialistes

From the English book: "A different kind of world is not just possible; it is a crucial and urgent necessity. But where do we start when it comes to envisaging the shape it should take and working out how to bring it about? The Convivialist Manifesto seeks to highlight the similarities between the many initiatives already engaged in building that world and to draw out the common political philo...

Scientific paper • 2013


Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Claudio Cattaneo

Degrowth, civil society arena, frame, civil and uncivil actors

Scientific paper • 2013


From fragmentation towards universalism: Filling the institutional vacuum of dealing with sovereign debt

By: Katarina Sehm Patomäki

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: From the paper: The euro, a result of the political project to consolidate peace in Europe, has now created new divisions between the peoples it was meant to unite. Countries with surpluses in their trade balances rule over the economic policies of those with deficits: and the decision-making ...

Position paper • 2013


Ten suggestions to lead a better life without growth

By: Bertr, Simon Tremblay-Pepin, Schepper

From the text: The French periodical Alternatives économiques published this month a feature entitled “A better life without growth” which brought to the fore 10 proposals towards improving our lives now that the end of growth is either desirable, either inevitable. These suggestions are very interesting, easy to implement, and more people should hear about them really. They are meant to decrea...

• 2013


Lohnverteilung und 1:12-Initiative

By: Jacqueline Badran, Hans Baumann, Franziska Bender, David Gallusser, Lorenz Keller, Urs Marti, Samira Marty, Mattea Meyer, Lea Pfäffli, Beat Ringger, Jean Christophe Schwab, Florian Vock, Tanja Walliser, Cédric Wermuth

Niemand soll in einem Jahr weniger verdienen als der bestbezahlte Manager im gleichen Unternehmen in einem Monat. Diesen einfachen Grundsatz will die 1:12-Initiative in der Verfassung verankern, um Abzocker endlich zu stoppen und eine gerechtere Verteilung der Löhne zu schaffen. Die Initiative ist eine Antwort auf die wachsende Ungleichheit in der Schweiz: Während sich ein paar Abzock...

• 2013


Baustelle Zukunft - Die Große Transformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

By: Wolfgang Sachs, Dirk Messner, Konrad Klingenburg, Kai Lindemann, Michael Müller, Uwe Schneidewind, Irmi Seidl, Angelika Zahrnt, Gerhard Scherhorn, Bernd Hirschl, Astrid Aretz, Reinhild Benning, Thomas Jahn, Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart, Max Schön, Christa Wichterich, Reinhard Loske, Bernhard Stratmann, Christian Flachsland, Ottmar Edenhofer, Manfred Ronzheimer, Harald Welzer, Eva Leipprand

Zeitschrift politische ökologie 133 - 2013 Der Mensch treibt den Planeten in hohem Tempo an die Belastbarkeitsgrenzen. Längst ist klar, dass wir zu klimaverträglichen Lebensstilen und einer postfossilen Wirtschaftsweise kommen müssen. Viel Zeit für diese große Transformation bleibt nicht mehr. Gut, dass Einige schon mal angefangen haben: Unternehmen maximieren anstelle ihrer Gewinne die Zufr...

• 2013


Giorgos Kallis discusses "The Economics Of Degrowth" with students at MIT

By: Giorgos Kallis

Students at MIT ask questions about Degrowth to Giorgos Kallis.

Position paper • 2013


Wohlstand – wie anders?

By: Michael Brie, Judith Dellheim, Kristina Dietz, Jana Flemming, Daniela Gottschlich, Georg Katzer, Jutta Kill, Rolf Kuhn, Steffen Kühne, Kai Kuhnhenn, Christopher Laumanns, Sabine Leidig, Ulla Lötzer, Michael Popp, Norbert Reuter, Hans Thie, Jan-Philipp Vatthauer

Linke Perspektiven. Bewertung der Enquete-Kommission «Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität». Manuskripte Neue Folge 5 von Ulrich Brand, Katharina Pühl und Stefan Thimmel (Hrsg.). Die Enquete-Kommission «Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität – Wege zu nachhaltigem Wirtschaften und gesellschaftlichem Fortschritt in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft » des Deutschen Bundestags hat im April 2013 nach gut...

• 2013


The Village Against the World

By: Dan Hancox

The publisher: One hundred kilometres from Seville lies the small village of Marinaleda, which for the last thirty-five years has been the centre of a tireless struggle to create a living utopia. This unique community drew British author Dan Hancox to Spain, and here for the first time he recounts the fascinating story of villagers who expropriated the land owned by wealthy aristocrats and have...

Educational paper • 2013


Ist die ganze Welt bald pleite? - Staatsverschuldung: Was sie ist und wie sie funktioniert

By: Stephan Kaufmann, Ingo Stützle

Bildungsbroschüre der Reihe «luxemburg argumente» - 5. überarbeitete und aktualisierte Fassung von Dezember 2013. In den 1990er Jahren war es die «Globalisierung», heute gilt die «Staatsverschuldung» als das zentrale Problem der Weltwirtschaft. Der Grund: Erstmals seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sind es nicht die sogenannten Entwicklungsländer, die eine Schuldenkrise erleben, sondern die etablier...

Position paper • 2013


A Degrowth Project: Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anne-Isabelle Veillot

www.projet-decroissance.net: ... the authors advocate for the establishment of an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance (UAA), which implies: “that people will be guaranteed the means to lead a frugal and dignified life (lodging, food, clothing, water, energy and transport) throughout their entire life”. This allowance would be primarily distributed as right of usage on water, electricity and housi...

Scientific paper • 2013


Some brief thoughts on state-space and economic crisis

By: Alexander Sohn

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The collapse of Lehmann brothers in September 2008 is generally seen as the starting point of what so far already turns out to be the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. It is generally agreed that the economy at large thus has entered a period which structurally differs from th...

• 2013


Time on our side. Why we all need a shorter working week

By: Anna Coote, Jane Franklin

Have you ever wondered why you’re so busy, where your time goes, or how much your time is really worth? This book will radically alter your understanding of the nature and value of time. Authored by leading experts in social, economic and environmental sciences, it explains how moving towards shorter, more flexible hours of work could help tackle urgent problems that beset our daily lives – ...

• 2013


A Four-day Workweek: A Policy for Improving Employment and Environmental Conditions in Europe

By: Giorgos Kallis, Nicholas A. Ashford

Introduction: Can working less lead to a healthier economy and better environmental conditions? Which factors should be taken into consideration when forming an answer to this question? In this article Nicholas Ashford and Giorgos Kallis discuss how affluent economies often have shorter workweeks and why, under the right conditions, more free time can decrease unemployment and help develop a g...

Art contribution • 2013


Slowing down

By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.