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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Dictionary of extinction – The mistery of births

By: Giuliano Cannata

Introduction: What is really happening to the humanity beyond the crysis that touch a part of western economy and the transformation of energetic and communication technologies. Within a scenario of deep social uncertainty and structural crisis in advanced economies, there could be an underestimation of the present real revolution: i.e. the end of growth of human species on earth. Actually this...

Scientific paper • 2012


The debate on the “declining birth rate” in Italy

By: Daniela Danna

Abstract: This paper presents a critical analysis of the scientific and popular debate (the one on the journalistic debate is in progress) on the fall in the fertility rate of Italian women in the last two decades, from 1992 to 2012. The paper wants to denounce the dominant ideology of experts in demography and the family - prisoners without a global view of nationalism and of the anti-scient...

Scientific paper • 2012


Le piccole ONG e la cooperazione internazionale

By: Roberto Pellerey

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


The opportunities of the blue economy

By: Graziano Pini

Premise: Years ago some small innovative companies began to replace the petrochemical surfactants with biodegradable ingredients, fatty acids of palm oil. All the major manufacturers utilized the biodegradability with the result that huge areas of rainforest have been converted to intensive cultivation of oil palm. These activities taking out the orangutan habitat, chimpanzees and many other sp...

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainable job growth

By: Ole Busck

Economic degrowth and job growth can and should go hand in hand. What is the role of trade unions in a degrowth economy? It may be difficult to imagine trade unions fighting for something else than economic growth, since they have always done so - with some success at least for a time. However, if their core business really is to secure jobs the present situation calls urgently for an alterna...

Scientific paper • 2012


Medical students for Degrowth

By: Cecilia Ferrari

Introduction: Unlike other sciences, e.g. IT or Physics, whose experts’ high level of specialization is regarded as the major key to success, Medicine actually maintains the prerogative of a traditional knowledge, in which a deep understanding is reachable only with practice in at least several of its branches. Besides, since it affects the whole of life of people devoting to it, Medicine is al...

Scientific paper • 2012


Indaba Network: supporting and connecting youth engaged in actions of social change through a dedicated g-local network

By: Eduardo Missoni, Alice Russel

Abstract: The economic crisis the world is living through shows us the ineffectiveness of the capitalist development model and of the current financial systems. The real economy is superseded by an ephemeral one which increases inequalities between and within countries, while at the same time emphasizing the need for new social and economic frameworks that are open, inclusive, just, and environ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Planned economic contraction: the emerging case for degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Keywords: degrowth, uneconomic growth, threshold hypothesis, voluntary simplicity

Scientific paper • 2012


Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: How property economics clarifies the degrowth debate

By: Pascal van Griethuysen

Keywords: Degrowth; Property economics; Capitalist rationality; Eco-social rationale

Report • 2012


Nutzen statt Besitzen - Auf dem Weg zu einer ressourcenschonenden Konsumkultur

By: Kristin Leismann, Martina Schmitt, Holger Rohn, Carolin Baedeker

Es gibt einen neuen Trend, der nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern weltweit Einzug hält: Gemeinschaftlicher Konsum heißt er und umfasst so unterschiedliche Praktiken wie Wohnungstausch, Kleidertauschparties, Autogemeinschaften, Gemeinschaftsgärten, Tauschringe für Werkzeuge, Drucker oder DVDs und vieles andere mehr. Das Time Magazin hat diese neue Konsumform sogar zu einer der zehn großen Ideen e...

Scientific paper • 2012


Educatiom and happines - Education signifies providing tools. But tools for what?

By: Francesco Mele

From the text: The possible answers are virtually infinite. Here I’d like to suggest one that may appear simplistic: education signifies providing tools to make people live better. True, this means that any argument based only on quantity is instantly incomplete: the idea that education is a matter of accumulating notions and skills (“the more I know the better I’ll be”) risks being inadequate,...

Scientific paper • 2012


La scuola nell'era della transizione

By: Angelo Marino

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainability and New Visions of Consumers Sovereignty and Utility

By: Roberta Sassatelli

From the text: In his widely known work La société de consommation, the French cultural critic Jean Baudrillard thus summed up contemporary society: ‘Just as medieval society was balanced on God and the Devil, so ours is balanced on consumption and its denunciation’. The notion of the consumer, contested as it has always been, has itself become an important cultural category. Especially from th...

Scientific paper • 2012


From Green Urban Economy to a Network of Autopoietic Region-Cities: a strategy for a sustainable economy under the scenario of degrowth

By: Sergi Nuss

Abstract: Between October 2011 and April 2012 the author has conducted research with ICLEI Europe on the Green Economy approach of 6 cities active in local climate change and energy, namely: Almada (Portugal), Arendal (Norway), Bologna (Italy), Girona (Spain), Jerusalem (Israel) and Turku (Finland). These cities not only cover a wide geographical area, but also a broad cultural, economical and ...

Scientific paper • 2012


A European Citizens’ Initiative for implementation of The human right to water and sanitation in European law.

By: Jerry van den Berge

Summary: The United Nations have recognised the universal human right to water and sanitation on 28 July 2010, through Resolution 64/292. In this resolution the UN acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are key factors to the accomplishment of all human rights. The Resolution calls upon States and international organisations to provide financial resources, help in capacity-buildi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Beni Comuni: un catalizzatore per i movimenti?

By: Mario Agostinelli

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian

Scientific paper • 2012


Teaching and deep ecology

By: Guido dalla Casa

Abstract: The ecological thinking requires particular awareness of being part of a much larger complex, the Ecosystem, which perhaps is a sentient being (or, if you like, a Great Unconscious): the need for good health of this complex is the first value. The words used to convey concepts are very important: the currently used language is strongly influenced by the dominant anthropocentric paradi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Reflexions about how to build a degrowth process in Brazil

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre, Alan Ainer Boccato-Franco, Edson Franco

Keywords: Solidarity Economy, Political strategy, participatory transition, degrowth process, social movements

Scientific paper • 2012


Political participation. A way toward degrowth.

By: Marco Boffi

Abstract: Degrowth supports a sober and convivial vision of life through principles encouraging equality and social relations. The cultural perspective it proposes is conceived also as the starting point for a concrete political action, and political subjects based on such ideas has risen in several countries. These principles play a key role in favoring citizens’ participation in public life, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Geography of Energy Transitions. The emergence of local contexts as main actors of a sustainable turn

By: Luigi Gaudio

Abstract: Since the 1973’s oil crisis everyone on the planet was well aware of the economic development’s dependence from fossil fuels supply and their producers. Nowadays, just like then, an economic and energy crisis has once again highlighted this unsolved dependence. Dealing with such a complex dynamic implies a substantial shift in every country’s societal structure aspects: economic, poli...