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Scientific paper • 2012
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Luigi Vero Tarca
From the introduction: 1. Growth versus universalism - In what sense is growth evil? We can say that it is iniquitous, unjust. Indeed it contradicts the principle which lays down the universal validity as criterion of value since it is good for some people but bad for a lot of other people. Nowadays we could say, referring to “Occupy Wall Street”, that growth is good for 1% of people but is evi...
Interview • 2012
By: Extraenvironmentalist, Josh Farley
[ Josh Farley // Rethinking Economic Growth ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Josh Farley made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Josh Farley explains what money is, respectively where it comes from, as well as how debt works. He further says what degrowth means for him: a downscaling of the economy so it fits with the earth ...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Giovanni Bernardo, Simone D’Alessandro
Keywords: system dynamics, scenario analysis, sustainability.
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Enzo Marigliano
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian
Educational paper • 2012
By: Franz Nuscheler
Was ist Unterentwicklung? Ist sie Folge des Kolonialismus oder ungerechter Handelsbedingungen? Ist der Nord-Süd-Konflikt bereits zur Leerformel verkommen? Was heißt überhaupt Entwicklung? Was bedeutet »nachhaltige Entwicklung«? Inwieweit gefährden Umweltkrisen unsere natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen? Was heißt »Feminisierung der Armut« oder »globale Strukturpolitik«? Ist die Globalisierung für die ...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Claudio Vitari, Roxana Bobulescu, Marjolijn Bloemmen
From the paper: What's Slow? Slow Management can be associated with a wider social movement that is now expanding around the philosophy of slow Life model promoted as an alternative to the extension of the fastness in a multitude of industries. There is now of a plurality of patterns that combine slow versus fast: Città-slow, Slow home, Slow school, Slow money, Slow marketing, Slow art, Slow sc...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Antonia De Vita
From the text: 3. The objectives of the research project were: - to identify the educational and participatory processes, self-training and training processes that currently exist in emerging economies; - to find out what entities are represented or self-represented in communities that have put into practice emerging economic practices; - to identify any possible impact or repercussions (eco...
• 2012
By: Kerstin Andreae, Ulrich van Suntum, Karl-Heinz Paqué, Christoph M. Schmidt, Nils aus dem Moore, Eberhard von Koerber, Michael Hüther
Die Menschen – vor allem in den Industrienationen – leben zwar gesünder, besser und reicher als je zuvor, doch die ökologischen Grenzen unsere Erde sind überschritten. Gerade die Industriestaaten, die erheblich von den natürlichen Rohstoffen unseres Planeten profitiert haben, stehen in historischer Verantwortung. Wenn es uns wirklich um den Erhalt unserer Welt, um Wohlstand, um Arbeitsplatz- un...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Graham M. Turner
Herausgeber_innen: Global data continues to confirm The Limits to Growth standard run scenario, which forecasts an imminent collapse in living standards and population due to resource constraints. Further, the mechanism underlying the simulated breakdown is consistent with increasing energy and capital costs of peak oil. The diversion of energy and capital away from industrial, agricultural, a...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl
Herausgeberinnen: Die Grenzen des Wachstums von Meadows et al.(1972) holen uns nach 40 Jahren ein. Doch inzwischen hat das Wirtschaftswachstum die Funktionsweisen vieler gesellschaftlicher Systeme durchdrungen und diese wachstumsabhängig gemacht. Ziel muss es sein, diese Abhängigkeit aufzulösen und Perspektiven für eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft zu entwickeln.
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Annalisa Stagni, Mani Tese
Abstract: The consumption pattern in the north requires an intensive exploitation of natural resources in the south of the world, making some countries totally depending from the sale of their natural resources. The global north needs to stop consumption without limits of our environment and people must be aware that these limits exist, due to the finiteness of our world. Our lifestyles have a ...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Elisabetta Peccol, Elisabetta Peccol, Alessia Movia, Alessia Movia
Abstract: The European Union, in the European Soil Thematic Strategy (EC. 2006a), recognises the need to improve the integration of measures to prevent soil consumption and degradation, in spatial planning and in those sector policies such as transport, tourism, commerce etc. that have a major influence on land use change. Indeed, there is a growing awareness at many territorial levels (Europe,...
Presentation • 2012
By: Emanuele Campiglio, Giovanni Bernardo
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available as presentation slides
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Jennifer Wells
Abstract: Myriad social groups and movements in the San Francisco Bay Area are making important contributions to the goals of carbon economy degrowth, deceleration of climate change, and transitioning to a sustainable global society. To date the net effects are of course insufficient, but they provide a basis for greater change. Examples are numerous and diverse. Moving forward, their conjoined...
Presentation • 2012
By: Halina Brown
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available as presentation slides
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Kent Klitgaard
From the introduction: . . . Ecological and degrowth economists need to take seriously the problems of unemployment and poverty if anyone is to listen to us. In an era where the primary demand of the electorate is “jobs, jobs, jobs,” ignoring the need of people to find steady and meaningful work will make those concerned only with living within nature’s limits appear callous just at the time wh...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: John Gowdy, Lisi Krall
Abstract: The adoption of agriculture was perhaps the most momentous transformation in human history. It set into motion forces that changed our species from being a relatively minor player into one that dominated local ecosystems and is now changing the biophysical characteristics of the entire planet. We argue that this transformation can be understood as a leap to ultrasociality. After agric...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Cinzia Mion
Introduction: The topic we are about to discuss is not easy and it does not appear to have much appeal. Indeed, as is often the case, the number of people attending debates on these issues is small. The interest for gender identity appears in the mid twentieth century. Simone de Beauvoir stated that “One is born male or female, one becomes a man or a woman”. This implies that the passage from o...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Maurizio Ruzzene
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian