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Showing 363 items

Interview • 2013


Transition and Degrowth movements…

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anisabel Veillot

This interview was made by the French magazine S!lence. Three questions were asked to the members of the Collective « Un projet de Décroissance » (« A Degrowth Project » ) about the differencies, the complementarities, and the convergences between the Degrowth and Transition movements. > In French

Scientific paper • 2013


From economism to autonomy: A Greek economic emergency and the transformative vision of degrowth

By: Panos Petridis

Economism, autonomy, Greece, crisis, democracy, degrowth, transformation

• 2013


Regionalisierung als Abkehr vom Fortschrittsdenken?

By: Gerolf Hanke

Der Verlag: Dass Krisen zum Kapitalismus dazugehören, ja dass sie notwendig sind, um immer wieder neue Anpassungen des Systems zu ermöglichen, ist mittlerweile zur Binsenweisheit ökonomischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Theorie geworden. Aber gilt dies auch für die ökologische Krise, die sich unabhängig der medialen Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen Jahr für Jahr bedrohlicher ausnimmt? Mit Klimawand...

Report • 2013


The Degrowth Paradigm

By: Richard Swift

The Canadian author and journalist Richard Swift takes the listener on a journey to different degrowth projects. During the visits concepts of the degrowth movement are explained and practical examples are highlighted. In the elaborate programme different actors of the international degrowth movement get to speak.

• 2013


Wege aus der Wachstumsgesellschaft

By: Harald Welzer, Klaus Wiegandt (Hrsg.)

Der Verlag: Was sind die zentralen Probleme auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Entwicklung? - International renommierte Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen diskutieren über die Probleme der Industrienationen auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Und sie zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, wie das Leben aussehen kann - und wie verlockend es ist, wenn es nicht von verschwenderischem Konsum un...

• 2013


Penser la décroissance - Politiques de l'Anthropocène

By: Dir. Agnès Sinaï

Depuis les débuts de l'époque industrielle, il y a deux cents ans, les activités humaines ont profondément modifié les cycles de la nature, d'où le terme d'Anthropocène pour qualifier la période contemporaine. Alors que les stocks de combustible s'épuisent, la dissipation exubérante d'énergie liée aux économies fondées sur la croissance touche à sa fin. Quelles en seront les répercussions po...

Scientific paper • 2013


‘Weak’ or ‘Strong’ Sustainable Consumption? Efficiency, Degrowth, and the 10 Year Framework of Programmes

By: Kersty Hobson

sustainable consumption, efficiency, degrowth, 10YFP

Report • 2013


Potentials of the debate on de-growth for socio-ecological transformation and climate change policy

By: Panos Petridis

Report prepared for the JPI CLIMATE project “TRAFOREVIEW”, 7 October 2013

Scientific paper • 2012


Eco‐communities in Greece

By: Aggelos Varvarousis

Abstract: This article deals with the relationship between eco-communities and the proposal for sustainable degrowth. Through the study of two different eco-communities located in Greece, namely the eco-community of Gavdos Island and the one of Giourtsa in Pilion, the article hopes to contribute to the discussion regarding the transition from growth society, which, according to a significant nu...

• 2012


Grüner Sozialismus

By: Mario Candeias, Katja Kipping, Bernd Riexinger, Gregory Albo, Patrick Bond, Sabine Leidig, Christoph Spehr, Andreas Exner, Alex Demirovic, Elmar Altvater, Raul Zelik, Dieter Klein, Wolfgang Methling, Frieder Otto Wolf, Fabian Deus, Anna-Lena Dießelmann, Luisa Fischer, Clemens Knobloch, Hans Thie, Nicola Bullard, Ulrich Brand, Hilary Wainwright, Luis Juberías, Edgar Manjarín, Quim Cornelles, Ayoze Alfageme, Celestino Sánchez, Karen Stuke, Martin Eberle, Christoph Kleine, Horst Kahrs

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 03/2012 »Green Economy« und die bewusst neutral gehaltene Rhetorik von der »Transformation« versprechen Auswege aus der großen Krise des neoliberalen Kapitalismus: Sie setzen auf Reparatur, Reorganisation und Umbau der gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnisse. Ihre »große Transformation« ist eine halbe: Sie zielt auf die Beseitigung des fossilen Industrialismus und desse...

• 2012


Toward Global (Environ)Mental Change - Transformative Art and Cultures of Sustainability

By: Sacha Kagan

The global crisis of unsustainability is not only a crisis of the hardware of civilization, it is also a crisis of the software of minds. The search for a more sustainable development in the ‘developed’ world has, so far, been focusing too much on hardware updates, such as new technologies, economic incentives, policies and regulations, and too little on software revisions, that is cultural tra...

Scientific paper • 2012


L’empreinte écologique et l’Indice de progrès véritable: Des pistes pour l’avenir du Québec

By: Harvey L. Mead

Introduction: Le discours actuel n’est que pour les façons d’assurer une sortie de crise, d’une reprise de l’activité économique, de sa croissance. Il n’y a presque aucune attention portée sur la possibilité qu’un changement de paradigme s’impose devant les faiblesses du paradigme actuel montrées par la crise financière et ensuite économique (sans parler de la crise écologique). L’ampleur de la...

Interview • 2012


What is Degrowth?

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Peter Brown

[ Peter Brown // What is Degrowth? ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Peter Brown made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Extraenvironmentalist about the video: Dr. Peter Brown, professor at the Department of Geography at McGill University explains the idea of degrowth and how it can foster a relationship of economic stew...

• 2012


Hur vi kan leva hållbart 2030

By: Christer Sanne

Naturvårdsverket: Kan vi fortsätta att leva ett modernt och bekvämt liv i Sverige och ändå ”rädda världen”? Den här rapporten går från ord till siffror för att ge en konkret och sammanhållen bild av en hållbar livsstil år 2030. Den diskuterar också hur andra viktiga frågor i politiken påverkar miljö- och naturresursfrågorna och hur de kan hanteras för att nå en hållbar utveckling. Genom att tra...

• 2012


Meadows: “World growth is about to stop”… So what?

By: Vincent Liegey

From the article: . . . Finally, Meadows failed, since he had the right ideas, but he was all wrong on the form. In Paul Ariès’ words: “ If it was enough to be politically right, we would have heard about it!”. But being right is not enough, what matters is to send the message and convey the ideas but to pretend to be “smarter” or to treat others as idiots, doesn’t contribute to a better under...

Scientific paper • 2012

Image Text

Social Innovations for Economic Degrowth

By: Andreas Exner, Christian Lauk

Introduction: At the beginning of the twenty-first century, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation: although hardly anyone would deny the deep ecological crisis facing humankind, we seem to be caught in a net of assumptions that impede a practical solution. Having acknowledged that we need to reduce consumption of energy and materials drastically,1,2 we still often think that adjustments wit...

Scientific paper • 2012


How to rebuild democracy, re-thinking degrowth

By: Onofrio Romano

Abstract: Can the degrowth project contribute to rediscovering the meaning of democracy? Can the establishment of a real democracy lead to building a degrowth society? And last, has the project of a “democratic degrowth” a real chance to succeed, from a political point of view? If not, how should degrowth be re-thought to foster democracy? These are the questions entertained in this opinion ess...

Scientific paper • 2012


The transition towards a bioregional model: the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia

By: Piani Lucia, Rover Alberto

Key words: bioregion, agriculture, transition

Report • 2012


The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries

By: Erik Assadourian

Introductory text to degrowth, starting of with reporting from the 2nd international Degrowth Conference which took place in 2010. It includes basic growth critique as well as degrowth proposals. Topics are “The Curse of Overdevelopment”, “Reducing Overall Consumption by Overconsumers”, “Distributing Tax Burdens More Equitably”, “Sharing Work Hours Better”, “Cultivating a Plenitude Economy”, “M...

Scientific paper • 2012


De-growth: Do you realise what it means?

By: Ted Trainer

Abstract: The implications of de-growth are much more far reaching and radical than seems to be appreciated. It is important to start with a brief consideration of the magnitude and nature of the global predicament, because when this is understood it becomes clear firstly that consumer-capitalist society cannot be made sustainable or just, secondly that a satisfactory and viable post-capitalist...