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Showing 3581 items

• 2010


How to correct wrong information about economic growth

By: Roefie Hueting

Transcription of an oral session by Roefie Hueting at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Growth is unsustainable. Long live degrowth?". Abstract: Economic growth is generally defined as increase of national income (NI) (or GDP) as a measure of production. However, according to the subject matter...

Presentation • 2010


Interrogations and proposals - some inconvenient questions about degrowth

By: Joaquim Sempere

Presentation of an oral session by Joaquim Sempere at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Interrogations and proposals - some inconvenient questions about degrowth". Degrowth; Proposals and Questions from Goteo / Platoniq

Presentation • 2010

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Functional Economy: A New Way for a "Sustainable Degrowth?"

By: Jacques Lauriol

Presentation by Jacques Lauriol at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Beyond Sustainable Development: Sustainable Degrowth towards a Steady-State".

Presentation • 2010


Degrowth and unemployment: Guaranteed jobs?

By: Blake Alcott

Transcription and presentation of an oral Session by Blake Aclott at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Managing Degrowth: Employment, Security and the Economy under a degrowth trajectory" Abstract: Economic shrinkage (recession, degrowth) in richer countries is accompanied by increased unemploym...

• 2010


Auto Mobil Krise

By: Magdalena Bernaciak, Antje Blöcker, Stephan Kaufmann, Holm-Detlev Köhler, Sabine Leidig, Ulla Lötzer, Eric Mann, Thomas Ponniah, Oliver Pye, Shahra Razavi, Rainer Rilling, Bernd Röttger, Raúl Zibechi

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» LuXemburg 3/2010 untersucht Kultur, Ökologie und Ökonomie der Autogesellschaft, die Krisen, Kämpfe und Strategien in der Automobilindustrie Die Autoindustrie präsentiert sich als Vorreiter und globaler Leitmarkt. Von den Krisen wird geschwiegen: Seit Jahrzehnten wird zu viel produziert. Das verschärft die Konkurrenz – die in erster Linie die Beschäftigten trifft. ...

Presentation • 2010


Degrowth with an aging population; increasing leisure for improving the environment. The key role of pensions and their funding

By: Gjalt Huppes

Presentation and transcription of an oral Session by Gjalt Huppes at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Managing Degrowth: Employment, Security and the Economy under a degrowth trajectory" Degrowth with an aging population from Goteo / Platoniq

Presentation • 2010


Participatory guarantee systems in organic faming as an expression of agroecology and as a part of an economic degrowth program: the experience in Andalusia

By: Sofía Boza Martínez

Transcription of an poster session by Sofía Boza Martínez at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Participatory guarantee systems in organic framing as an expression of agroecology and as a part of an economic degrowth program: the experience in Andalusia".

Scientific paper • 2010


Economic de-growth vs. steady-state economy

By: Christian Kerschner

Steady-state economy, Economic de-growth, Population, Unattainable goals, Georgescu-Roegen, Sustainability

Presentation • 2010


Development alternatives from the South. A Ghanaian rural development example

By: Gaia Calligaris

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Gaia Calligaris at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Development alternatives from the South. A Ghanaian rural development example". Poster en francais

Position paper • 2010


Capitalism, heteronomy and self - determination. On the need to consider the existential fo otprint of capitalist societies

By: Thomas Pongo

Poster and Transcription of an poster session by Thomas Pongo at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Capitalism, heteronomy and self - determination. On the need to consider the existential fo otprint of capitalist societies".

Presentation • 2010


Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?

By: Joana Dias

Transcription of an poster session by Joana Dias at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?".

Scientific paper • 2010



By: Serge Latouche

Editorial, Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010). Introduction to degrowth. What is degrowth?, history, word, sources. Editorial / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) p. 519-522

Presentation • 2010


Postwachstumsökonomie Prof. Niko Paech

By: Niko Paech

VWL Göttingen: Ein Vortrag von apl. Prof. Niko Paech zur Wachstumskritik und Lösungswegen wie Gesellschaften dem Problem begrenzter Ressourcen begegnen können. > Teil 1 > Teil 2 > Teil 3 > Teil 4 > Teil 5 > Teil 6 > Teil 7

Presentation • 2010

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Economic deGrowth and New Economic Structures

By: Tim Crabtree, Eva Franková, Nadia Johanisová

Poster by Tim Crabtree, Nadia Johanisová and Eva Franková from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Economic deGrowth and New Economic Structures".

• 2010


Der heilsame Schock - Wie der Klimawandel unsere Gesellschaft zum Guten verändert

By: Thomas Homer-Dixon

Unsere Welt steht mit dem Klimawandel vor ihrer wohl größten Herausforderung. Die Politik schwingt große Reden und verliert sich im Detail. Was tun? Thomas Homer-Dixon fordert eine „große Transformation“, einen tief greifenden Kulturwandel. Dabei setzt er unter anderem auf die modernen Kommunikationstechnologien: Erstmals in der Geschichte haben wir die Möglichkeit, Menschen weltweit zu mobilis...

Presentation • 2010


Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing

By: Emmanuel Pezrès

Poster by Emmanuel Pezrès from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing".

Scientific paper • 2010


When Environmental Issues Collide: Climate Change and the Shifting Political Ecology of Hydroelectric Power

By: Robert Fletcher

Abstract: While the global focus on climate change may substantially increase attention and funding for sustainable development initiatives in general, it may also create newfound conflicts among divergent conservation and development agendas. For instance, climate change appears to be altering the terms of debate concerning the costs and benefits of constructing large dams in ways that remain ...

• 2010


Vers la sobriété heureuse

By: Pierre Rabhi

« J’avais alors vingt ans, et la modernité m’est apparue comme une immense imposture. » Pierre Rabhi a en effet vingt ans à la fin des années cinquante, lorsqu’il décide de se soustraire, par un retour à la terre, à la civilisation hors sol qu’ont largement commencé à dessiner sous ses yeux ce que l’on nommera plus tard les Trente Glorieuses. Après avoir dans son enfance assisté en accéléré, ...

• 2010


Lernen lassen - Abenteuer Bildung

By: br, eins

Was bedeutet heute eigentlich Bildung? Brauchen wir wirklich nur mehr Geld, um besser zu werden? Besser worin? Im Anhäufen von Lehrstoff? Im Repetieren von Formeln? Im Aneinanderreihen von Leistungsnachweisen oder im Trainieren von Fertigkeiten, die vielleicht schon morgen gar keiner mehr braucht? Bildung hat etwas damit zu tun, wie wir die Welt begreifen. Sie beginnt nach der Geburt, und sie ...

Educational paper • 2010


Over 300 ‘How to Guides’ to Help You Share More in Your Community

By: Shareable

A list of over 300 manuals for living a post-growth life.